Thursday, November 26, 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

WH signs off on Biden receiving Presidential Daily Brief, and Lame duck pardons real turkey


Dow hits 30,000 first time ever, trump tries to take credit.

he runs way from "enemy of the ppl" esp. Acosta.



The "first Thanksgiving"--ancient wrongs

I can never get over that I have only met abt 3-4 Native Americans in my entire nearly 40 years in USA.  One was an artist, one was a delegate in Boulder and one was author Sherman Alexie at a book reading.

In my 13 years at Penn, I only met 2 African-Americans.

That says it all.



Public Service Announcement from family where 15 got covid from family gathering--

If you are particularly attached to yr large family, think on this.



Monday, November 23, 2020

GSA Emily signs ascertainment--at last--but she shld pay for her criminal action--



Free audio and print books online--

If you click on one, like this audio book of Geronimo's story, Youtube will direct you to a whole line of masterpieces on the R.

Try it, titles I have heard include John Wyndham, The Triffids, Chrysalids, HG Wells, War of Worlds, The Egg, etc.  To Kill a Mocking Bird.

You can also read masterpieces like The Jungle or Daniel Dafoe's Plague Diary online at Gutenberg Project.

Book are getting hard to buy, and now my eyes are going.

You can also read a print book you buy and listen to an audio book at the same time, so you get the plot really clear.

When I had cable TV, I cld watch say North and South, or Lonesome Dove, while also reading the books, say in same week.

Of course this post is meant for ppl who read, or wish to read, or know reading is good.

Not for those who say--"Too stressful" "Doer not reader," etc etc.

You don't know what you are missing, by not reading.

Happy Thanksgiving, and be thankful for yr brain, yr ears and yr eyesight.




Trump team cuts ties with Sidney Powell (female) who peddled bizarre election fraud conspiracy theories-- 


I must say the whole lot looks like who they are, dripping hair dye Rudy the most so.




Costumes of The Crown (TV series)

It's incredible what they do.



Monday, November 16, 2020

NBC Nightly News --Covid spikes, travel advisories, inside ICUs

Incoming, quarantine for 2 weeks.

Limit non-essential travel, also out of state.

Wear masks, social distance



Where to javanka --

#OnYourWatch trending --Massive trade deal with China leaves out USA 



Artist who paints Mothers --

Covid-19--Nov 16, 2020--US over 11 m, travel restrictions, shut downs.



Sunday, November 15, 2020

2 more gop governors ask trump to start transition process


Egged on by trump, whose motorcade went through earlier, him giving thumbs up, so called P boys rampaged thro downtown DC

After Proud Boy leadership announced "Antifa ends tonight," a large group of Proud Boys roamed downtown DC, attacking and stabbing people. Police protected the Proud Boys.
Quote Tweet
“What was so disturbing is the police protected those who stab people. They came out to protect The Proud Boys” #DCProtests against #MillionMoronMarch and #VanillaISIS
Show this thread



Thursday, November 12, 2020

Special post--Golden Temple Amritsar--lunch for 10,000--no problem

Definitely on my bucket list.

If you go, set aside time to volunteer in the kitchen, to pay for yr meal.

When the covid nightmare is over.

My cotton head covering is ready.Kyi Kaung
BTW, the story of a Colorado woman (fictionalized) who went world wide volunteering in Buddhist monasteries is in my short story 53 Red Roses. kmkaung


Forced to resign

#ForcedToResign --

A term I used to hear in and abt Burma -junta controlled, all the time.


4 more in trump inner circle test +ive for covid, while javanka moves kids bc other parents complained.

great social conscience I must say.




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As Covid-19 infections and hospitalizations soared across the US, experts warned higher death tolls would soon follow.
On Wednesday, there were at least 1,893 American deaths from the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University -- the highest daily death toll the country has seen since early May.
Already, more than 241,700 people have died. And with the virus running unabated within US communities, that number will likely only keep climbing.

Another more than 110,000 Americans are projected to lose their lives in just the next two months, according to the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.



Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Trump faith advisor, dead after super spreader event--

Probably of Covid.


Laugh time--Trevor Noah--4 Seasons Total Landscaping is in NE Philadelphia

Obviously whomever booked it, does not know Philadelphia.
Maybe it was propaganda barbie, said to be from rich family.



Growing discomfort among trump lawyers + David Enrich book, Dark Towers, Trump, Deutsche Bank, Russia

NEW: The Trump campaign is gearing up for a legal blitz to challenge the 2020 election results. Some lawyers at firms representing the campaign worry about violating the rule of law and eroding democracy. with
NEW: The Trump campaign's legal war to invalidate the 2020 election results has some of his own top lawyers feeling queasy. They worry about eroding democracy and stoking fears of fraud. Our story. w/


Sunday, November 08, 2020

Meet the Press Chuck Todd talks to Sen. Mitt Romney, who voted to impeach trump-- 

 Maybe Chuck is a Republican, I haven't watched enough of his programs to know.

 We will see.


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Watch the next 74 days carefully--

Now we will have calm again and competent, truthful people in charge, who are well qualified for their positions.

Look for times of Great Peace and Prosperity.

But watch the turd carefully the next 74 days.

Then escort him out.





 Kate McKinnon as Rudy Guiliani--


Saturday, November 07, 2020


NBC Nightly News Analysis--congratulations from world leaders pour in--

Joe Biden is President Elect, Kamala Harris is first woman and first African American VP--wow

Biden won 4 m more popular votes than trump.

The commentators are already talking in past tense of trump.

Biden also won 273 of 274 electoral votes.  Trump was stuck at 213.

Twitter will probably shut down Trump's acct, through which he hourly and daily disseminated LIES and fomented violence for 4 whole years.

I'm going to eat the beef curry I made last night with rice.

But we can't let down our guard.  People are celebrating in streets wearing masks but not socially distancing.

The nightmare is over.




trump dumps respected woman who oversees nuclear weapons and 2 others.

In order to prevent one person from having a temper tantrum—which he’s going to have either way—we’re continuing to put thousands of people at risk. Not acceptable.
Lukashenka is an extreme gynephobe as much as Trump. His fear and hatred of women is blatant. His goons are arresting women for holding flowers or autumn leaves. They ransacked the home of 73-year-old Nina Baginskaya. President Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya was driven out of Belarus.
The respected woman who oversees our nuclear weapons has been fired: Trump Dumps 3 Agency Leaders In Wake Of Election : Live Updates: 2020 Election Results : NPR


WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.