Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Canadian journalist shot in Bangkok expected to survive --
Earlier a Japanese? videographer was shot dead in riots in April.
A curfew has been imposed 14 mins ago on parts of Bangkok, embassies on Sathorn Road are closed.
Thai King and Queen offered to cover medical expenses of those wounded.
Maybe the Thai army is getting some "lessons" from the horrible Burmese junta in "crowd control with live bullets."
Kyi May Kaung
Earlier a Japanese? videographer was shot dead in riots in April.
A curfew has been imposed 14 mins ago on parts of Bangkok, embassies on Sathorn Road are closed.
Thai King and Queen offered to cover medical expenses of those wounded.
Maybe the Thai army is getting some "lessons" from the horrible Burmese junta in "crowd control with live bullets."
Kyi May Kaung
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Campbell warns Burma about buying arms from N.Korea + slide show of US officials with Aung San Suu Kyi
"To read the pictures," in the first one Suu Kyi is not shaded (protected) by either umbrella.
Is the US going to foresake her too, the way they did with Benazir?
Kyi May Kaung
"To read the pictures," in the first one Suu Kyi is not shaded (protected) by either umbrella.
Is the US going to foresake her too, the way they did with Benazir?
Kyi May Kaung
Burmese classical poetry, translated by F. Lustig, Buddhist Archbishop of Latvia
who lived in exile from the Soviet Union in Burma.
Albert Fytche's Burma 1878, on sale for $1100
Dendrobium Fytche (Khwa Nyo Pan) is mentioned in this book.
Kyi May Kaung
Dendrobium Fytche (Khwa Nyo Pan) is mentioned in this book.
Kyi May Kaung
Monday, May 10, 2010
Orchids of my mother's --
Abstract - Kyi May Kaung's proposed paper for Burma Studies 2010
Globalization, Burma and United States Policy.
Since the clampdown on the nation-wide pro-democracy movement in 1988, the Burmese military government has been pursuing an "open economy" (open to international trade but nothing else) which is bringing it closer into the global economy, albeit in a contorted way.
The discovery of reserves of natural gas and oil has enriched its coffers, at the same time as it has pushed towards its model of "disciplined democracy" with a so-called election at the end of 2010. It is pushing to suppress all ethnic freedom groups and convert them into border guards and Thailand is about to send back large numbers of Karen refugees. Simultaneously, it is "privatizing" but it looks like junta cronies and family members will get to buy enterprises at fire sale prices. At this crucial time the US is pursuing a policy of engagement, which does not seem to be working.
Is a rogue regime, previously already labeled a pariah government, likely to emerge and is this what the US and the international community want to see in Burmese globalization gone awry?
Last year I helped the Burmese exile government compile a transition plan for a democratic system in Burma with several other Burma scholars.
What is the right and ethical role of Burma experts in all this?
Kyi May Kaung.
The Conference will be held at the University of Provence, Marseille, France.
Since the clampdown on the nation-wide pro-democracy movement in 1988, the Burmese military government has been pursuing an "open economy" (open to international trade but nothing else) which is bringing it closer into the global economy, albeit in a contorted way.
The discovery of reserves of natural gas and oil has enriched its coffers, at the same time as it has pushed towards its model of "disciplined democracy" with a so-called election at the end of 2010. It is pushing to suppress all ethnic freedom groups and convert them into border guards and Thailand is about to send back large numbers of Karen refugees. Simultaneously, it is "privatizing" but it looks like junta cronies and family members will get to buy enterprises at fire sale prices. At this crucial time the US is pursuing a policy of engagement, which does not seem to be working.
Is a rogue regime, previously already labeled a pariah government, likely to emerge and is this what the US and the international community want to see in Burmese globalization gone awry?
Last year I helped the Burmese exile government compile a transition plan for a democratic system in Burma with several other Burma scholars.
What is the right and ethical role of Burma experts in all this?
Kyi May Kaung.
The Conference will be held at the University of Provence, Marseille, France.
My Three Garden, Two Country dream tour -- virtual ;)- Monet's Garden at Giverny --
Hmm -- make sure to look at bloom calendar -- but then each month is so beautiful, one might have to keep going.
Kyi May Kaung
Hmm -- make sure to look at bloom calendar -- but then each month is so beautiful, one might have to keep going.
Kyi May Kaung
Chatsworth House and Garden --
See movie The Dutchess, based on book by Amanda Foreman, about Georgiana, married at 17 to the 5th Duke of Devonshire.
See movie The Dutchess, based on book by Amanda Foreman, about Georgiana, married at 17 to the 5th Duke of Devonshire.
Troubled -- US Envoy reportedly troubled by electoral laws in Burma --
But still spouting "engagement."
Might it be because of the natural gas?
But still spouting "engagement."
Might it be because of the natural gas?
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Independent Lens -- search for a reincarnated lama --
This sounds/seems real, though a child prodigy who was "chosen" by some Indian guru, eventually wrote how bad it was in the cult.
But those were Hindu, not Buddhists. Though of course, bad things can happen in a Buddhist monastery too.
I feel so bad for the parents.
This is how His Holiness himself was also chosen.
The Panchen Lama though became a stooge of the Chinese, who eventually arrested him. Went deaf in one ear as forced to sleep on one side so jailers could see his face.
The area featured looks like part of Nepal or India, otherwise the Chinese government would object.
I met the wife of one former lama reincarnate. When Communists raided monasteries, he was not killed as a child, but forced to hunt/fish and kill (animals.)
The woman grew up in PRC and when His Holiness came to the radio station in Washington, DC, he did not like it, asked "Are you the one with the Chinese accent. We must be careful of these things."
This sounds/seems real, though a child prodigy who was "chosen" by some Indian guru, eventually wrote how bad it was in the cult.
But those were Hindu, not Buddhists. Though of course, bad things can happen in a Buddhist monastery too.
I feel so bad for the parents.
This is how His Holiness himself was also chosen.
The Panchen Lama though became a stooge of the Chinese, who eventually arrested him. Went deaf in one ear as forced to sleep on one side so jailers could see his face.
The area featured looks like part of Nepal or India, otherwise the Chinese government would object.
I met the wife of one former lama reincarnate. When Communists raided monasteries, he was not killed as a child, but forced to hunt/fish and kill (animals.)
The woman grew up in PRC and when His Holiness came to the radio station in Washington, DC, he did not like it, asked "Are you the one with the Chinese accent. We must be careful of these things."
Mother's Day wishes to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Mothers of Burmese Political Prisoners.
Aung San Suu Kyi -- still detained while the country falls apart -- painting recently displayed at Amnesty International Human Rights Festival. Painting and photo copyright Kyi May Kaung.
The pagodas are as they appeared after World War II, from a Wiki image in public domain.
Kyi May Kaung's comment left on Irrawaddy site re.
Dr. Zarni's article, Bye Bye Democracy --
As Dr. Zarni says, "It's the system, stupid."
Military, Inc. is right!
We are already seeing more outflows of refugees in all directions.
How long will the international community be able to "hold its nose to kiss the generals" oops, no "discipline flourishing democracy."
Note -- it's no longer just "disciplined democracy."
Of course, it's all an oxymoron, which is moronic except for the power holders and those who wish to tango with them.
The only thing I don't agree with in this analysis is Zarni calling Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD "ineffectual."
They've already given us an alternative goal and and a dream to work towards, like Martin Luther King, what more do you ask?
The west should now try to save the lives of ASSK and the nearly 2200 political prisoners.
Happy Mother's Day, Mother of the Country and all Mothers.
May our children and grandchildren see better days.
Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D.)
Friday, May 07, 2010
vertical gardens in Manhatten --
I have my own versions which I created on shelves and tabletops for a lot less money (mostly from a few bought plants and seedlings and cuttings I propagated on my own,) as I need the walls for a rotating display of my own paintings.
I also need bookshelves for books.
So, yes, everything needs maintenance, such as repotting,"grooming" -- getting rid of old leaves that drop on the floor, shortening the vines to remove old stems etc. and in the case of books, constant giving away of "secondary books" that I do not want to keep, or will read only once.
I also rotate the paintings on my walls after each major exhibition.
Kyi May Kaung
I have my own versions which I created on shelves and tabletops for a lot less money (mostly from a few bought plants and seedlings and cuttings I propagated on my own,) as I need the walls for a rotating display of my own paintings.
I also need bookshelves for books.
So, yes, everything needs maintenance, such as repotting,"grooming" -- getting rid of old leaves that drop on the floor, shortening the vines to remove old stems etc. and in the case of books, constant giving away of "secondary books" that I do not want to keep, or will read only once.
I also rotate the paintings on my walls after each major exhibition.
Kyi May Kaung
Thursday, May 06, 2010
NLD's U Win Tin unfazed as his party forced to dissolve.
U Win Tin just celebrated his 80th birthday when his prison memoir, What's That? A Human Hell! was released.
U Win Tin just celebrated his 80th birthday when his prison memoir, What's That? A Human Hell! was released.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Strand Hotel in Rangoon -- phew!
Might meet a junta plant "monk" in the men's rest room, as a western reporter did during the Saffron Reviolution in Sept 2007.
Might meet a junta plant "monk" in the men's rest room, as a western reporter did during the Saffron Reviolution in Sept 2007.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
From Center for American Progress -- lessons for Iran from American cilvil rights movement
(and lessons for Burma)now that the NLD is "illegal" because the junta said it is --
This is an amazingly clear presentation by Congressman Tom Perriello (D. VA.)
Kyi May Kaung
This is an amazingly clear presentation by Congressman Tom Perriello (D. VA.)
Kyi May Kaung
Monday, May 03, 2010
Burmese (Mon) refugees flooding into Thailand, call for help from Baan Unrak Refugee Service Center
Di Di has been doing this for years, and this comes through trusted mutual friends. Please help.
Dear friends of Baan Unrak,
You might have heard about the latest events in Myanmar. The 20 years old ceasefire between the military junta and the ethnics armies is about to be broken, as the junta is asking the ethnics armies to become border guards, to reduce troops numbers and be under the military junta's authority, with a deadline on April 22nd. Which the ethnics groups did not accept. All those ethnics groups agreed to fight together against the junta if they had to.
The Mon state, which is the state next to Sangklaburi, in Myanmar is one of the group which said loudly they will not accept those conditions, as Mon people do not have any rights. In consequences, the junta has started to send troops in Mon state, ready to fight .
We are all hoping the governement will not start the fight, as they have planned elections for the end of the year, to show the international community that they are going toward democracy. If the fight has not started before rainy season (June), then it might be posponed after the election, as nobody knows what the outcome will be.
As a consequence since April 22nd hundreds of women and children are fleeing their land to come close to the border of Thailand. In case the civil war starts, they would be ready to cross the border quickly. So only 25 kilometers from Sangklaburi,along the border, in a former refugee camp called Halockhani, over 600 people ( as per Thursday 29 May when we went to deliver a truck of food) arrived to be safe.
Unfortunately, Halockhani is not meant to receive so many people so suddenly. In the 2 villages of Halockhani the conditions of life for the refugees is very bad. They are staying in the school ( which are 2 big wooden buildings ) with no toilet, which implies a cholera risk, and not enough water. As it is the dry season, there is a shortage of water, which will also imply some sanitary risks.
Those people have left their house with just what they are wearing, as the few trucks which drove them to Halockhani are already full, they can not carry anything.
MSF ( Medecin sans Frontiere ), an international NGO, will provide them with some basic kits including : mats, mosquito nets, blanquets, buckets, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, plates, spoons, glasses, cooking sets and sarongs.
They will build some toilets, a kitchen shelter, a drainage system, dust bins and drying lines. They will clean the water and install filters for the drinking water to avoid Cholera.
An other organization, TBBC ( Thai Burmese Border Consortium ), is providing the rice to all those refugies.
Along with Baan Dada and Children of the Forest ( organisations in Sangklaburi ) we will provide the food they need : noodles, cooking oil, beans, vegetables, dry fish, can fish and fish paste.
In order for us to provide this growing number of people with enough food, we need your help. If each one of you donates just 10 euro/dollars, we will be able to provide them with enough food, so the children will not suffer from malnutrition. 10 Euros will feed 1 child for 1 month.
Please visit our website : www.baanunrak.org to make a donation.
Spread the word around you.
We all thank you very much for your help and support to Baan Unrak.
Neo Humanist Foundation - Baan Unrak Project
Sangklaburi, Kanchanaburi 71240
Tel/Fax (66) 034 595428 – 0899362426 (didi)
Website: www.baanunrak.org,facebook: Baan Unrak Children Home
Dear friends of Baan Unrak,
You might have heard about the latest events in Myanmar. The 20 years old ceasefire between the military junta and the ethnics armies is about to be broken, as the junta is asking the ethnics armies to become border guards, to reduce troops numbers and be under the military junta's authority, with a deadline on April 22nd. Which the ethnics groups did not accept. All those ethnics groups agreed to fight together against the junta if they had to.
The Mon state, which is the state next to Sangklaburi, in Myanmar is one of the group which said loudly they will not accept those conditions, as Mon people do not have any rights. In consequences, the junta has started to send troops in Mon state, ready to fight .
We are all hoping the governement will not start the fight, as they have planned elections for the end of the year, to show the international community that they are going toward democracy. If the fight has not started before rainy season (June), then it might be posponed after the election, as nobody knows what the outcome will be.
As a consequence since April 22nd hundreds of women and children are fleeing their land to come close to the border of Thailand. In case the civil war starts, they would be ready to cross the border quickly. So only 25 kilometers from Sangklaburi,along the border, in a former refugee camp called Halockhani, over 600 people ( as per Thursday 29 May when we went to deliver a truck of food) arrived to be safe.
Unfortunately, Halockhani is not meant to receive so many people so suddenly. In the 2 villages of Halockhani the conditions of life for the refugees is very bad. They are staying in the school ( which are 2 big wooden buildings ) with no toilet, which implies a cholera risk, and not enough water. As it is the dry season, there is a shortage of water, which will also imply some sanitary risks.
Those people have left their house with just what they are wearing, as the few trucks which drove them to Halockhani are already full, they can not carry anything.
MSF ( Medecin sans Frontiere ), an international NGO, will provide them with some basic kits including : mats, mosquito nets, blanquets, buckets, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, plates, spoons, glasses, cooking sets and sarongs.
They will build some toilets, a kitchen shelter, a drainage system, dust bins and drying lines. They will clean the water and install filters for the drinking water to avoid Cholera.
An other organization, TBBC ( Thai Burmese Border Consortium ), is providing the rice to all those refugies.
Along with Baan Dada and Children of the Forest ( organisations in Sangklaburi ) we will provide the food they need : noodles, cooking oil, beans, vegetables, dry fish, can fish and fish paste.
In order for us to provide this growing number of people with enough food, we need your help. If each one of you donates just 10 euro/dollars, we will be able to provide them with enough food, so the children will not suffer from malnutrition. 10 Euros will feed 1 child for 1 month.
Please visit our website : www.baanunrak.org to make a donation.
Spread the word around you.
We all thank you very much for your help and support to Baan Unrak.
Neo Humanist Foundation - Baan Unrak Project
Sangklaburi, Kanchanaburi 71240
Tel/Fax (66) 034 595428 – 0899362426 (didi)
Website: www.baanunrak.org,facebook: Baan Unrak Children Home
Sunday, May 02, 2010
UK police officer/blogger "Nightjack" outed by Times, wins Orwell Prize --
I believe the Times journalist and the judge were wrong and the blogger was right.
On his blog, he says he is now writing a book.
I believe the Times journalist and the judge were wrong and the blogger was right.
On his blog, he says he is now writing a book.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
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even with the makeup--both putin and trump look like hell--
Aung San Suu Kyi in Bath? UK - in days before 1988 - from her supporter on Internet. Our Petition is now at 73 signatures. Please help us r...