Sunday, February 28, 2021

Present Burma coup is making my novel Wolf topical again


Man holding up sign "If you need a corpse, shoot me."

Woman shot in the head.

 Burma coup is making my novel topical again 

 I received over 20 positive pre-publication reviews They are in the front of the online Amazon sample. Kirkus Review:

Wolf follows Mothi Awgoke, fr his childhood in the tank corps compound in Meikhtila, political events 1962-1988 & his exile in Queens, NY. It's partially based on my own life, but Awgoke (August Hailstorm) is a fictional character I hv already started research on a sequel w another generation of dissidents pertaining to the present Feb 2021 coup, which is reaching its violent climax right now as we speak. I wish there weren't enough material to write a second Burma novel, but sadly, there is. 
Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D.)



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Keep wearing a mask

Covid is a very serious and deadly disease--she got the transplant in the first place bc she was a nurse and her lungs were damaged by Covid.

Pl continue wearing masks , maybe double, and restrict yr going out and meeting people.  People who wear glasses are 3 % less likely to get Covid. Dr Fauci says wear them till 2022.



Sunday, February 07, 2021

Trump 2nd Impeachment is in line with US Constitution--


Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne calls in Myanmar Ambassador—


I know Sean well and don't think he would do anything underhand.


I hope they don't hurt him. I am unsure where his wife and daughter are at this moment.





President Biden speaks out against Burmese coup--from Twitter






Pres. Biden speaks out against Myanmar military coup: ‘There can be no doubt, in a democracy, force should never seek to overrule the will of the people or attempt to erase the outcome of a credible election’


0:21 / 1:01


Execellent painting demo--oil paint--from Twitter.

Fresh off easel- "Lemon with Blue and White Vase" by Cindy Procious

This is a husband and wife team.  Clay Bennett is a brilliant cartoonist.



Friday, February 05, 2021

Model Chrissy Teigen hospitalized for endometriosis surgery.

It's serious.  Dysplasia turned to cancer and took a friend's life.



College costs in USA--book recommended by New York Times --cut and pasted.

THE PRICE YOU PAY FOR COLLEGE: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make, by Ron Lieber. (Harper/HarperCollins, $27.99.) A comprehensive guide to the trying process of paying for higher education, Lieber’s book explains in detail how to save money, apply for aid and bargain with colleges, all while carefully acknowledging the sometimes conflicting perspectives of the parties involved. “Understood as a self-help book, ‘The Price You Pay for College’ represents an extraordinary achievement,” Daniel Markovits writes in his review. “It is comprehensive and detailed without being tedious, practical without being banal, impeccably well judged and unusually rigorous. But the main title hints at a sensibility deeper than friendly advice.”


Carl Sandburg reads A Couple.

Senate approves Biden stimulus plan--


Thursday, February 04, 2021

George Clooney sew bro

There are lots of male tailors and designers--

crafts and arts are not gender specific.



Covid transmission from a wedding--

An outbreak in Ireland
Flag of Ireland
—what’s the source? 61 #COVID19 cases from a student social gathering, 16 from a hotel wedding. Why haven’t we learned college parties & indoor weddings are a bad idea yet? Some say I’m overdramatic in tweets, but this is why I shout from the rooftops.
Quote Tweet
Public Health Mid-West
This is a COVID-19 outbreak in the Mid-West in which 61 cases occurred in a variety of social settings. One of these cases worked in a hotel during a wedding. Transmission occurred among 16 guests and workers. Two workers brought the virus home, and one carried to extended family


Marjorie Taylor Green removed from committees


Monday, February 01, 2021

BBC on Burma coup


It's like a replay of 1962 coup, but I never trust these blokes.

In 1962, then PM and his cabinet and some of our family friends were in prison for 7 years without any charges filed.

A Shan prince was arrested and died under torture.  The major Shan States' ruler's son was shot because he grabbed a ceremonial spear off the wall when the soldiers came, also at dawn.

And then all our country's tragedies began.

Current PM in Exile Dr Sein Win has written to Biden Admin, and Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader.

Will have to go back to sanctions.


Surprise, surprise, his lowness donald gohn trump "J for genius" engineered it all--

Cartoon by Clay Bennett

Posted by Kyi May at 10:10 No comments:

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WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.