Sunday, July 30, 2023

My problem with religion is

it makes people complacent
though the Buddha as he lay dying said
"work out your own salvation."
Baptists don't believe in Catholic saints
When I was baptized
a Christian said
what kind ofchurch is that.
A church built of stone and cement
a church near a university
a church which called itself
open and affirming
and yet
when I was elected to the church council
a woman said, to the other white people
"You talk to me thisway
because I am fat and a lesbian."
since then,I go to all churches friends invite me to
but not to witches and wicca
I don't like the donation basket on a long stick, pointed at me even before the preacher preached
I don't like the paster with his own movie company and 11 children
I don't like racist monks
I don't like monks with militias or monks who model robes on a catwalk.
I'm sick and tired. Kyi May Kaung

It's not enough to believe you are Impermanent--while you are alive, make the world better. Kyi May Kaung

Acquarium parking lot, Houston,TX.

If you don't know how to Google and stay stuck in your shell, you will learn nothing, no matter what your religion is. Kyi May Kaung

Ralph Nader--activist-at oil spill hearing. I think I saw him once at airport--with a bag full of paper notes

Dr. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi--Nobel Peace Prize winner

Saturday, July 29, 2023

It never stops--

back to Irrawaddy--3 Sagaing PDF killed, 2 junta pilots, g-d-ed"White"elephant is dark grey
the emperor is naked--
"vacation" for soldiers/amputees.
It never stops.
I'm only the messenger.
so is Irrawaddy

Niger Coup

Financial Times not letting link in--Google on yr own.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Rest in Protest--U Nyi PuLay--youngest son of Ludu Daw Ahmar and Ludu U Hla by Dr Maung Zarni

He was youngest son of Ludu Daw Ahmar and Ludu U Hla.
Rest in Protest.
7-28-2023 ----- Forwarded Message -----
Subject: Nyi Pu Lay (1952-2023): Resting in the Revolution - FORSEA, 28 July 2023 Nyi Pu Lay (1952-2023): Resting in the Revolution
Nyi Pu Lay, the man, treated anyone who met him with respect. He was courteous, thoughtful, kind and generous with his time, talents and publications. He was modest above all, and brimming with curiosity and eagerness to learn not just about things that immediately concerned the Burmese mind, but racism, international law, democratization, transitional justice, genocide and other atrocity crimes. Maung Zarni on July 28, 2023
Myanmar’s Pre-eminent Family of Dissidents with Progressive Politics
Biographers of Lenin have generally recognized the profound impact on Lenin of the radical politics of his older brother who was executed by the Tsar Nicholas II.
Well, multiply such defining experience in life of a dissident by five, and see how such profound experience would shape a person’s life, world view, and choices.
Imagine your father, a well-known writer and journalist, was imprisoned five times by various states in Burma, including the World War II-era colonial British, the post-colonial parliamentary democracy government and the post-1962 coup military dictatorship of General Ne Win, for doing what he considered “the right thing”, that is, using his pen to shed light on the political repression, racial and class exploitation and abuses of state power. Your mother – also a well-known writer – survived the British colonial police’s bloody crackdown of anti-imperialist student protests and processions in colonial Burma of the 1930s.
Your oldest brother, a card-carrying revolutionary, was executed in the late 1960’s by his own party – the Communist Party of Burma – in the Burmese equivalent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution when you were a teenager.
Your middle brother was locked up in solitary confinement in the prison in your native town of Mandalay for two years, subsequently shipped to the penal colony off the country’s southern coast for a total of six years, and freed only after the dictator General Ne Win decided to intervene and ordered his release.
And your mother, your father and you were hauled into military intelligence’s Kafkaesque detention in 1970’s for helping a fellow progressive on the run to successfully evade the dictatorship’s man hunt and finally escape across the borders into Southern China.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Today is the 76th Anniversary of Burma's Martyrs' Day
Check out Martyrs' Day wiki.
I am doing 8 hours of email silence, beginning now.
kmk First image is N Korean bombing 1983 at Martyr's Memorial site--Rangoon, 1983.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

One liner--Pray God that we are free of those who know nothing but

think they know everything. Kyi May Kaung All artwork and one-liner K M Kaung 7-16-2023

Andrei Sakharov--Physicist, Human Rights activist--also research Yelena Bonner

World War II-The Hump and Ledo Road--also research Chiang Kai Shek, Vinegar Joe Stillwell,Gordon Seagrave

Jesuits at Akbar's Court--

Aung San Suu Kyi and --

Human Rights Watch--Burma Activist and her entire family, including adult children abducted in Malaysia.
Pl also read the Elaine Pearson link in there and the reports she has written.
I met her in 2012.

How you are to use these Heroes and Villains images--to educate yourself about who they are--

1. Research who they are.
Go to some places if you can and it's safe.
Use the images as writing prompts but don't steal them.
ALWAYS mention the original source, like I have done.
I am deleting images fr my own files to free up space.
live--beyond Rangoon and beyond Burma, in "LA" Liberated Areas.

Ghandara statues--Aphrodite, Stucco Buddhas, Brahma entreat Buddha to preach--from William Dalrymple Twitter.

How trump's Ukraine aid halt affects US defense (arms) industry.