Wednesday, June 26, 2024

James Baldwin--last novel--Above my Head

The Great Migration--from wiki

The Great Migration, sometimes known as the Great Northward Migration or the Black Migration, was the movement of six million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West between 1910 and 1970.[1] It was substantially caused by poor economic and social conditions due to prevalent racial segregation and discrimination in the Southern states where Jim Crow laws were upheld.[2][3] In particular, continued lynchings motivated a portion of the migrants, as African Americans searched for social reprieve. The historic change brought by the migration was amplified because the migrants, for the most part, moved to the then-largest cities in the United States (New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Washington, D.C.) at a time when those cities had a central cultural, social, political, and economic influence over the United States; there, African-Americans established culturally influential communities of their own.[4] According to Isabel Wilkerson, despite the loss of leaving their homes in the South, and the barriers faced by the migrants in their new homes, the migration was an act of individual and collective agency, which changed the course of American history, a "declaration of independence" written by their actions.[5]
From the earliest U.S. population statistics in 1780 until 1910, more than 90% of the African American population lived in the American South,[6][7][8] making up the majority of the population in three Southern states, namely Louisiana (until about 1890[9]), South Carolina (until the 1920s[10]), and Mississippi (until the 1930s[11]). But by the end of the Great Migration, just over half of the African-American population lived in the South, while a little less than half lived in the North and West.[12] Moreover, the African-American population had become highly urbanized. In 1900, only one-fifth of African Americans in the South were living in urban areas.[13] By 1960, half of the African Americans in the South lived in urban areas,[13] and by 1970, more than 80% of African Americans nationwide lived in cities.[14] In 1991, Nicholas Lemann wrote:
The Great Migration was one of the largest and most rapid mass internal movements in history—perhaps the greatest not caused by the immediate threat of execution or starvation. In sheer numbers, it outranks the migration of any other ethnic group—Italians or Irish or Jews or Poles—to the United States. For Black people, the migration meant leaving what had always been their economic and social base in America and finding a new one.[15]

James Baldwin--from wiki--

Baldwin wrote comparatively little about events at school.[29] At five years old, Baldwin began school at Public School 24 (P.S. 24) on 128th Street in Harlem.[29] The principal of the school was Gertrude E. Ayer, the first Black principal in the city, who recognized Baldwin's precocity and encouraged him in his research and writing pursuits,[30] as did some of his teachers, who recognized he had a brilliant mind.[31] Ayer stated that James Baldwin got his writing talent from his mother, whose notes to school were greatly admired by the teachers, and that her son also learned to write like an angel, albeit an avenging one.[3

Reuters--Myanmar still able to access money and arms overseas.

Japanese artist dies --

Tiny Love Stories from New York Times--100 words

Myanmar buying arms fromTeheran --

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Titian masterpiece goes on block for 32 m
Titian is noted for his bronzey-red color as in the women's hair. 6-13-2024

From My Fair Lady--Julie Andrews--Just you wait.,vid:ly8gFnsQZqk,st:0

India continues to cozy up to Myanmar junta

Fiction and non-fiction prizes --
American author VV Ganeshananthan picked up the Women's Prize for Fiction for her second novel, Brotherless Night, which depicts a family fractured by the Sri Lankan civil war.
The winners were announced at a ceremony in central London on Thursday evening. *

Why are they talking as if trump is already re-elected--
Here it comes--the other shoe-drops-nervy junta boss, alleged assassination attempt-- 6 patrol boats fr China

Original Phantom of the opera--Inspired by or based on--legal question--

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Matthew Arnold--Is it so small a thing?

My painting of Htoo Ain Thin--

All my creations including pinkplate--

Me (far Left) with my siblings in UK--c. 1949

Seminole--Native-American warrior--

Dr.Sean Turnell with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi--

Jimmy Carter 99--16 months into hospice care

Microplastics found in human sperm, blood etc.

Microplastic pollution has been found in all human semen samples tested in a study, and researchers say further research on the potential harm to reproduction is “imperative”.1 day ago
Microplastics found in every human semen sample tested in ...

From Irrawaddy--Myanmar junta fires on families of its retreating troops+ "Piles of human flesh" etc.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Sunday, June 09, 2024

From Myanmar Now--You shld look at MN now and then--different from Irrawaddy--in style and coverage--maybe deeper analysis

from Myanmar Now--Tin Oo funeral + IDPs return Kachin State--many photos
Losses in Rakhine State will deal devastating economic blow to Myanmar junta

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

George Orwell--

Tranqilized bear falling off tree--largest number of blog hits recently.

For this reason--you out there--do not underestimate 1027 and Brotherhood Alliance, NUG. I think most people outside are sitting and watching.

Look up for yourself--Ledo Road, Viinegar Joe Stilwell, Merrils' Marauders--below A Trek out of Burma--It cost a lot to get back Myitkyina fromJapanese--

Holocaust Museum--Jews escaping Nazi occupied Europe--check out Herman Wouk--Winds of War.

I place a curse on anyone who steals or takes my physical or intellectual property--may you fry in hell--on earth may you become impotent.

Prince Damrong--Our wars with the Burmese--note the price right now--

Tony Waters' review of Hans Zollner--including U Nu's Man the Wolf of Man--Z. is violating U Nu's copyright--1943
U Nu's family is being shortchanged.

Remote Brazilian tribe gets hooked in Internet porn--

Winner of Kaung best pic award--AP--tranquilized black bear falls off tree--runner up is my own Leopard Dozing on tree branch at Bronx Zoo--cannot find original

Jama Masjid built by Shah Jahan

Victory of Buddha over Mara--Nalanda palmleaf ms.

Reuters--Burmese junta arrests to "stabilize currency."

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.