Friday, February 15, 2008

Joy Stocke and Angee Brenner of Wild River Review meet Michele Obama and travel with Mohammad Yunus, in Quito, Equador --

Excuse my spelling --

Bono's art auction raises $ 42 M for AIDS relief-

Newsweek -- The Art of Defiance -- by Jacob Baynham

Aung San Suu Kyi blogs -- on her fence --

Pado Mahn Sha Memorial Blog --

Gunman at Northern Illinois Univ.

This is where the Burma Studies Center is located, in DeKalb, IL, near Chicago -- but no one at the Center mentioned in connection with incident.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stolen art --

Karen National Union's Pado Mahn Sha assassinated in Mae Sot, Thailand --

Karen et all ethnic costumes, Burmese Union Day, USA, Feb. 2007, photo copyright Kyi May Kaung

Demonstration in Canberra, detail -- photo collage- copyright Kyi May Kaung

KNU leader Pado Mahn Sha killed in Mae Sot by gunmen --

This includes a lying in state picture --

I never knew him well, but met him on one or two occasions, perhaps in Washington, DC.

A very humble, calm and committed man.

Sincere condolences to the Mahn Sha family and and the larger Karen community.

This is seen as the work of the Burmese junta through the DKBA or breakaway "Buddhist" group fomented by SLORC/SPDC in late 90s.

Mae Sot or Thailand, for that matter, or anywhere, has never been safe.

This will put a grey pall of fear on the Burmese democracy movement.

Rare sandpiper found in Burma --

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Travel piece on Burma --

by Adam Karlin, who describes himself as "half-Burmese."

Monday, February 11, 2008

East Timor's Jose Ramos Horta wounded in coup attempt --

Rep. Tom Lantos of California, who supported the Free Burma Movement -- dead at 80

Tom Lantos and Mrs. Lantos were a few of the earliest supporters of the Burmese democracy movement and were unwavering in their support.

He was always very succinct in his comments, and very elegant.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

With the blessings of the warlord: A school for children of poppy growers in Kokang, Burma.

Note Chinese names.

Singapore resident targeted in US Sanctions against Burma -

Dr. Kyi May Kaung -- updated bio

Abstract- Untitled- Oil on canvas -- (SOLD) Copyright Kyi May Kaung

Kyi May Kaung holds a doctorate in Political Economy from the University of Pennsylvania and has worked for The Burma Fund and in international radio. During the Saffron Revolution in Burma in 2007 she was interviewed by BBC, CBC, RFA and others. Dr. Kaung is a literary activist who writes poetry, fiction and non-fiction and is also a professional artist, who paints in a variety of mediums and styles. Her doctoral fields focussed on Burma, totalitarian systems and economic reforms in Russia, India and China.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Art becoming dangerous again in Burma --

Diabetics who lowered blood sugar too fast died more from heart disease --

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Two Komoda dragons hatched from immaculate conception --;_ylt=AmT0hpWLelAYXx9YbLBuBY0uQE4F

Solar power at Burmese (Karen) refugee camp -- Mae Hla in Thailand

Sign a petition to free Ashin Gambira, leader of monks during Burmese Saffron Revolution of 2007

Stallone says the families of 2 Burmese refugees who acted in Rambo 4 have been arrested

as retribution for their roles in the movie --

Meanwhile some d. fool reporter is writing "Doesn't Stallone know Burma is now called Myanmar or is it too much of a mouthful."

Stoopid! Don't you know "Myanmar" is the name the junta unilaterally decided to use?

All the dissidents use the old name Burma, as a form of protest and denying the legitimacy of the military regime.

Angelina Jolie in Iraq --

4 m refugees of whom 12,000 will be re-settled in the USA --

How did they become displaced?

Hilary Clinton loans her own campaign $5 million --

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Philip Shenon of the New York Times new book "The Commission"

criticizes Philip Zelnikow's role in the 9/11 Commission Report --

on Democracy Now, with Amy Goodman.

-- Philip Shenon of NYTs criticizing 9/11 Commission

He comes on in 2nd half of program -- please use cursor.

My talk on Burma -- Burma Update: After the Saffron Revolution

Portion of the lunch attendees at the Woman's National Democratic Club -- Democratic First Lady portraits on the walls -- photo copyright Kyi May Kaung

My talk on Burma, Burma Update-- After the Saffron Revolution, at the Woman's National Democratic Club on New Hampshire Avenue was on Jan. 24th, 2008.

About 50 people attended, and asked some very interesting questions.

Kyi May Kaung

How many monks have to die before the UN moves --

Marwaan Markar of Inter Press Service interviews Ashin Kovida, one of the leaders of the Burmese monks' demonstrations of 2007.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Parrots, Penguins and Roman Polanski's remake of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist

Stallone says he is willing to debate the Burmese junta

in a Congressional Hearing --

Rambo's "Live for nothing, die for something" becoming rallying cry for Burmese dissidents, making him proud.

Russian billionaires sanctioned by Biden--this article is 2 years old