Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Institute of Policy Studies event on War, Memory and Burma, Korea, Laos, Vietnam

Sad Clown, 8 x10" Oil on canvas, Copyright Kyi May Kaung.

"Mirthful paint cannot erase, despair that's written on my face." Bijan C. Bayne.

“War, Memory and Representation in Art:
Burma, Korea, Laos, & Vietnam”
A panel discussion organized by the Institute for Policy Studies,
Date: January 28, 2009
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: DC Peace Mural Exhibition
3336 M Street, NW (Georgetown)
Washington, DC 20007
Type: Forum / Panel discussion (indoors)
Cost: Free
Contact: Kathryn Zickuhr,
Please join Kyi May Kaung, Annabel Park, Channapha Khamvongsa, and Anna
Huong on January 28 inside the Washington DC Peace Mural Exhibition for a
powerful discussion of the representation of conflict and suffering in art, “War,
Memory and Representation in Art: Burma, Korea, Laos, & Vietnam,” led by FPIF
Co-Director Emira Woods.
e panelists, who are artists and social activists from Korea, Laos, Burma, and
Vietnam, will explore the unique ability of art to bring collective experiences of
suffering into the public discourse. eir own experiences and work have touched
deeply on the issues of how, through art, traumatic individual memories can be woven
into a larger context of community grief, reconciliation, and healing.

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.