Thursday, January 06, 2011

Praise reference article - Release of Aung San Suu Kyi: A Cynical Ploy by Kyi May Kaung

Man selling Loy Kratong (Kahtein) candles at Emporium in Bangkok - photo copyright Kyi May Kaung.

From a friend who will remain anonymous:

"wishing you a very happy new year 2011!! may the blessings of Lord Buddha be upon you.

thks for yr great article re- daw assk and her safety. i am also of the same thinking abt security and safety for her. recently my friends (soon to release a hurman rts docu film) met with assk and interviewed her at the NLD office. they were fortunate to be able to lv w/out being questioned. went in on tourist p/ports and took the plane right after the interview. the driver of the van they had fr the tour agency was questioned and released. just goes to show nothing has changed!!

it is so strange that no one except you has talked abt assk's safety!! i saw the video of her walk in bogyoke mkt...that was really frightening!! crowds close enough to do bodily harm...

with metta,

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online