Monday, August 06, 2012

Intellectual property in Burma - VOA interview of hip hop artist That Xo (Thar Soe) in Burmese: Summary- There are now no producers of music in Burma and musicans are having to finance their own music productions. Yet when Rambo 4 and The Lady came out the govt banned illegal copying completely. . . so it is a matter of whether the (junta) wants to do it or not. Instead of standing on the side of the creators/artists, they (seem to be) in league with the thieves. Thar Xo informal translation kmk
Thar Soe photographing Giacommeti at National Gallery DC Photo copyright Kyi May Kaung

Yuan Dynasty and death of Kublai Khan--from wiki

The Yuan dynasty created the "Han Army" (漢軍) out of defected Jin troops and an army of defected Song troops called the "Newly...