Monday, December 08, 2014

My play Shaman still reads well--

I am re-reading and editing my full length play Shaman.

I wrote it in 2 weeks in 1996 for the Pew competition.

It is still a masterpiece and I have already cried once during the first act.

I do not think the Pew judges were wrong, nor that Edward Albee (not on the Pew panel, who saw it in 2004, was wrong either)

And I was not wrong either.

My play is an amalgam of maybe 5-10 stories, not counting the stories of some of the nats, which are only slightly changed.

Act 1 takes place in Burma and Act 2 in the USA.

More later, have work to do.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online