Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Make up your mind, Mr.P, low interest rates or strong $ Maybe he does not understand that 2 are incompatible. Manigault Newman has said he has a problem understanding complex issues and he once is said to have asked an aide, "is it good or bad if an exchange rate goes up or down" so for a man who graduated (with a first degree) from Wharton, he understands economics very little. But then Muamar Gaddafi's son Saif graduated from LSE with a Ph.D. until the uproar, with a ghost written dissertation. I have met people who don't know what LSE (London School of Ecos) is and people getting a business degree who don't know what Wharton is. Granted those 2 were Burmese (women) and it was the days before the Internet and Google. Enough for today. 8-22-2018

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online