Thursday, August 02, 2018

N. Koreans and dictators in general are not known for their transparency or for speaking the truth.

Think P. will dump trmp soon. Already declined to meet again (in DC). At this point, if it looks like trmp going down to you and me, it must look the same to P. Once he produces the (pee) tape, if there is one (or he could easily manufacture one) it will be game over for trmp. Even if transcript of closed door one on one Helsinki meeting is produced. (Guests on MSNBC said not clear if translators there throughout, but US translator was. P knows English, trmp does not know Russian). Already, Russia is saying certain things were agreed to. Stay tuned, it looks to be at boiling and boil over point and pork may be burned soon. oink oink 8-2-2018

Looks like the battle between trump and musk has just begun-- BTW--(fake) photo of trump kissing musk's toes sh...