Thursday, August 16, 2018

Omarosa's book Unhinged. I've read the online sample and like it. I think she is telling the truth. I suffered through such a made up firing from Radio Free Asia at the hands of a similar lying poop named ST. So I believe it, and I and all 2 of my siblings have asthma which is triggered by stress. One can't measure evil, so one can't say that Kelly and DJT are "more evil" than the ppl I faced, but certainly they are at a higher level of power and this does look like intimidation and threats and trumped up charges, look to see K and djt and whole bunch of them go down the drain, glug glug. 8-16-2018

NIH reels with fear--future of research projects in jeopardy-- Mark my word, new viruses like Covid will keep evolving-- Th...