Saturday, August 11, 2018

USA, Manafort Trial--Rachel Maddow said, due to recesses totaling about 5 hours on Friday--

now prosecution won't rest it's case till Monday 13th Aug or Tues. The recesses with white noise machine on at bench, or in jury room or judge's chambers (out of sight also) could be due to (says Chuck Rosenberg) something to do with a jury member who could 1. have something going on at home (Mr. R said that does not seem to be the case) 2. could have heard something, in the cafeteria or rest room, or at home, and told the judge. Rosenberg says these kinds of things are usual. He has lots of experience as a prosecutor and even in this court with this judge. Please see The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 8-10-2018. They are also posted on Youtube. kmk 8-11-2018

Gilded Age Mansions--List.