Saturday, August 18, 2018

US special counsel recommends 6 months in prison for Papadopoulus, who put Australian diplomat on scent of Russian collusion by "loose tongue" when drunk. in end trmp and fam will be "hanged" by own people, just look at Omarosa--Brennan said to have lost security clearance as "distraction from Omarosa." Mueller must be rubbing his hands in glee at all the stuff that's coming out. Brennan told Rachel Maddow he might pursue legal action "for the principle of the thing, and to prevent it happening again." He told Maddow that trmp is "drunk on power" and he did not expect due process when his security clearance was yanked because "there are not normal times.' They certainly are not, it's not a normal human being d j t not normal at all, the "very stable genius." Now threatening to yank security clearance of Bruce Ohr. 8-18-2018

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online