Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
trmp and his tree of hate.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
trump and tree of hate he seeded with his hate speeches.
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-pittsburgh-synagogue-visit-shooting_us_5bd8c95ae4b01abe6a190541 The haters in Burma and pseudo monks should also take note. One commentator on CNN said, after pipe bombs -- trump's"presidential behavior" never lasts longer than 48 hours,"never longer than yogurt." And true enough at 3 AM he was tweeting hatred again. Then he has sent troops to "guard border" and is talking about taking away citizenship birthrights of immigrants who are not citizens, or not yet citizens. Green card holders have a long waiting period. Local officials and some leading politicians did not go with trmp family to Pittsburgh. It is said, GOP/Republicans are losing hope for midterm elections and they should. With a so-called prez. like that! 10-31-2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Robert Mueller has refered to the FBI, women being offered money to make false claims against him.
Statement from his spokesperson Peter Carr.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Outrageous Fortune: Growing up in Leeds Castle.
I like this author's forthright, earnest, engaging and humorous voice.
Have only read the sample, but like it.
15th pipe bomb--3rd bomb to CNN, found--
Cesar Soyoc at Sn District of NY court today.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
trump needs to call the shooting victims' families, as well as the pipe bomb targets--he has not done so yet.
trmp concerned with wet hair, is instead holding rallies.
Pittsburgh shooting victims, doctors, professors, wives, brothers--upstanding citizens.
All due to hate spewed by trmp and blind followers.
trmp makes up "facts" to justify holding rallies the day after Pittsburgh murders/shootings.
He lies about how many days NY Stock Exchange remained closed.
In fact, it was closed from 9/11 to 9/17.
How could it "remain open" when planes hit Wall Street area itself.
The level of "education" as denoted in spelling errors, etc on the hate sites/twitter feeds of the pipe bomber and the Pittsburgh shooter,show the low level of the trmp followers, blind rats.
They are not "from the Middle East" they are home grown white supremacist domestic terrorists.
If you threaten people and cause terror, you are a terrorist.
Van Jones CNN interviews kush, who evades as trmp son in law he is--first time we've heard him speak on anything--
not impressive--"I was given Middle Eats Peace Process"
oh yeah??
basically white jewish marble face who married rich.
just a surrogate for trmp, that's all.
Better to interview a Turkish police officer at this point,
Satire: How to weaponize and politicize Twitter and other social media--by Mrs. Clinton's 2016 campaign tweeter--
I would say learn some strategies like "branding"= name calling
from trmp and trmpies, wild accusations, lies.
Keeping message simple and dumb, then you will get a lot of dumb criminal followers as he has now.
Instigate ppl to hate.
Strut abt on stage and stroke your hair. Be the great white shark who eats gropes women alive.
Imprison babies.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Jamal Khashoggi’s fiancée turns down White House invite. Images from Internet.
She called it a ploy to “gain public sympathy” after the Saudi Arabian journalist’s murder.
By Emily Stewart Oct 27, 2018, 6:45pm EDT
11 killed, 6 wounded, incld 4 police officers--Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.
trmp decries "hate" then immediately attacks dems.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Corker on Khashoggi case--"I think he did it"--
But given even more power just to show--this person may be there another 30 40 50 years.
What to do about it.
A more nuanced approach.
Quote from NBC--Mohammad bin Kushner.
Every American president since FDR has courted the Saudis, but none of them have done it as avidly and crudely as Donald Trump,” said Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer who served in the spy agency for 30 years.
In his first trip abroad as president last year, Trump made the unusual choice to travel to Riyadh, where he took part in a traditional all-male dance with the Saudi royals, swaying back and forth with a ceremonial sword in hand.
"That was a tremendous day. Tremendous investments into the United States, and our military community is very happy," Trump tweeted after his first day of meetings. The Saudis projected his words on large digital displays. Trump referred to the trip again on Friday in his reaction to the Saudi admission of involvement in Khashoggi’s death.
Image: White House senior advisor Jared Kushner attends events with U.S. President Donald Trump at the Royal Court in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner at the Royal Court in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on May 20, 2017.Jonathan Ernst / Reuters file
But the vast arms sales and investments promised haven't yet materialized. The Saudis are still haggling with the U.S. about the cost of buying the THAAD ballistic missile defense system. Instead of the $110 billion in arms sales initially touted by Trump, now the administration says only about $14 billion worth of weapons have been implemented with signed letters — and many of those originated under the previous administration.
The State Department was largely shut out of the planning for the president’s trip to Riyadh, and instead the task was entrusted to Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a senior adviser to the president. The young real estate businessman with no diplomatic experience reportedly came away impressed by the crown prince, as they were two thirty-somethings anointed by powerful families with shared agendas
Inside Saudi Arabia, the crown prince is sometimes derisively referred to as “Mohammed bin Kushner,” said Riedel, who wrote a book on the U.S.-Saudi relationship.
Democracy Now--Amy Goodman speaks with Saudi-born professor at London School of Economics about Khashoggi and Yemen.
She authored the NYTs op ed--MbS must be replaced.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Modern classic--Roshamon and Other Stories.
If you can afford the collectible editions, buy it!
You can see from the free sample what a great writer he was.
From Al Waleed bin Talal wiki (2017 Saudi princes purge)
Main article: 2017 Saudi Arabian purge
On 4 November 2017, Al-Waleed was arrested in Saudi Arabia in a "corruption crackdown" conducted by a new royal anti-corruption committee.[48] This was done on authority of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, his cousin (both are grandsons of Ibn Saud, first monarch and founder of Saudi Arabia).
Just days before his arrest, Al-Waleed reportedly contacted US-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi (who has publicly criticized the Saudi government in the past) and invited him to return to the Kingdom in order to contribute to Mohammad bin Salman's vision.[49]
The authorities in Saudi Arabia were demanding $6 billion from Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal,
In total, 320 princes, ministers and businessmen were detained.[50] Al-Waleed was released from detention in late January 2018, nearly three months after his arrest,[19] after he and most of the other Saudi notables arrested the previous year had made a financial settlement of some kind with the Saudi government.[18] Prince Mutaib Bin Abdullah, the son of the late King Abdullah (1924–2015), was released after paying a reported $1 billion.[51] According to a Wall Street Journal report, the price for his release was $6 billion.[52]
The Saudi Arabia government did not disclosed charges or produced evidence and the negotiations were held in secret.[53]
quote fr Saudi wiki--an eye for an eye surgically removed.
Capital and physical punishments imposed by Saudi courts, such as beheading, stoning (to death), amputation, crucifixion and lashing, as well as the sheer number of executions have been strongly criticized.[186] The death penalty can be imposed for a wide range of offences including murder, rape, armed robbery, repeated drug use, apostasy, adultery, witchcraft and sorcery and can be carried out by beheading with a sword, stoning or firing squad, followed by crucifixion.[187][188][189] The 345 reported executions between 2007 and 2010 were all carried out by public beheading. The last reported execution for sorcery took place in September 2014.[190]
Although repeated theft can be punishable by amputation of the right hand, only one instance of judicial amputation was reported between 2007 and 2010. Homosexual acts are punishable by flogging or death.[187][189][191] Atheism or "calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based" is considered a terrorist crime.[192] Lashings are a common form of punishment[193] and are often imposed for offences against religion and public morality such as drinking alcohol and neglect of prayer and fasting obligations.[187]
Retaliatory punishments, or Qisas, are practised: for instance, an eye can be surgically removed at the insistence of a victim who lost his own eye.[182] Families of someone unlawfully killed can choose between demanding the death penalty or granting clemency in return for a payment of diyya (blood money), by the perpetrator.[194]
Even after allowing women to drive and work, public places in Saudi Arabia are still gender-segregated and the kingdom has very strict laws on how unrelated men and women can dine together. In September 2018, a man was arrested by the Saudi authorities for appearing in a video with his female colleague while having breakfast at a hotel, where they both work.[195]
Human rights
Friday, October 19, 2018
Saudis now say Khashoggi dead "of chokehold after/during altercation."
This story does not wash at all.
Also reports Kushner gave MbS a hit list.
If so --trmps are finally done for.
Refugee caravan runs through Guatemala fence into Mexico
trmp saying he will call out army.
Not good.
Impt. Sabah (independent Turkish journal) on Khashoggi disappearance.
As usual, journalists are doing the investigating.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
BBC--who's who in 15 member Khashoggi Saudi hit team.
The most ghoulish characters than any novelist could hardly imagine.
Megan and Harry's 41 m Sydney rental--
How much is this junket costing UK taxpayer? Though we love the couple compared to say--trmps.
Robert Mueller may turn in his report after Nov. midterms. Probably already has it under seal.
More people will go to jail.
Cohen has already talked to Mueller for more than 50 hours.
From archive--Boris Johnson reciting Kipling poem at Shwedagone, Rangoon, stopped by Brit Ambassador.
"Come you back you British soldier,"
"You're on mic."
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Quote of day--from Quora --how long will Saudi oil last.
Granville Phillips
Granville Phillips, 12 years in Saudi Arabia
Answered Nov 28, 2016 · Upvoted by Steven Merz, PhD Candidate Chemical Engineering · Author has 875 answers and 806.5k answer views
This is not transparent as Saudi Arabia keeps these details as basically a State secret. Stated reserves in 2015 were 206bn barrels. So on the basis of 2015 consumption, about 70 years. The trouble is no one really knows. The stated reserves are the same as 10 years ago - so either new reserves have been found (and no major discovery was announced) or oil sources have become more economically viable with new technology.
The reality is that after 50 years if there has been no economic diversification by Saudi, they are in trouble. I they manage to diversify economically then this will be less of a leading question.
3.9k Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by David K. Lee
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Aidan Keener
Aidan Keener, studies at Hillsdale High School (2020)
Answered Jul 17, 2018
As the Green Revolution continues to spread around the world over the next decades, producing oil will become less and less profitable. Around 2050, oil production will no longer be profitable for most nations, and by 2100 the reserves will be depleted in the Middle East. But Saudi Arabia has a plan for this.
There seems to be some sort of pervading myth that the oil-based economies of today don’t realize oil can’t last forever. Therefore, once the oil market collapses all these nations will die along with it. Obviously, this is untrue. Every one of these nations, from Angola to Saudi Arabia, is already making strides to diversify. The Vision 2030 program, led by the so-called “liberal” Prince Mohammad bin Salman (which really just means he’s a few steps to the left of the Ayatollahs), will boost sectors such as tourism and consumer goods. Hopefully, this will lead to Saudi Arabia moving their societal norms from the 15th century to the 19th.
In conclusion, the end of oil in Saudi Arabia, and in all oil-based economies, will just be a minor hiccup as their economies diversify, mostly in the name of preserving power but with a side effect of liberalization.
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Paul Freund
Paul Freund, former Worker in Energy Industries Including an Oil Major
Answered Oct 1, 2016
Let me put something forward to get the discussion going.
The Saudi’s resources will last forever because the world’s need for oil will have diminished to a very low level before their resources are depleted. That’s because they have more resources, especially the attractive light oils, than almost anywhere else!
1.2k Views · View Upvoters
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Abdul, A Saudi with various interests. Hold an MBA and a B.A. in International Studies.
Answered Oct 15, 2016 · Author has 80 answers and 54k answer views
Oil never ends. It accumulates over hundreds of years and it is an ongoing process. Oil extraction cost might get higher. Anyway, if oil does vanish Saudi Arabia will still be able to produce oil for 90 additional years because the huge reserve it has.
1k Views · View Upvoters
Mark Latham
Mark Latham, Managing Partner at Commodity Intelligence. (2008-present)
Answered Aug 20, 2018
The official answer, according to ARAMCO is 69 years.
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TRMS--New York Times article on Khashoggi disappearance, intv with NYTs correspondent Kirkpatrick in Istanbul.
Pompeo smiling and yakking it up with MbS, saudi Crown Prince.
Doesn't look like he's "looking for answers" at all.
More like , yeah yeah, it must have been rogue killers as you say.
trmp involved in cover-up, even uses same term "rogue killers."
Hit man identified from Turkish records and independent NYTs investigation.
Mubharak or Saudi CIA is directly under MbS.
Moreover, no "US investigation" on ground, as trmp alleges, but that's not surprising, most of what d j t says are lies.
TRMS + Anderson Cooper 360 on Khashoggi "narratives" 10-16-2018
In other words, the story keeps changing.
Is a "botched interrogation" any better.
Al Jazeera has names and photos of 15 member assassination team.
It could not have happened without MbS knowing, in a country as authoritarian as that?
Stay tuned.
I feel so badly for Khashoggi's family and his fiancee.
trmp has to do something more than send Pompeo to meet Saudi king for 15 mins.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
TRMS--Rachel talks to Vanity Fair's Emily Jane Fox--
Trmp involved his son Eric in Stormy Daniel's hush up.
What kind of father is that?
More Khashoggi details--Saudi consul left Istanbul Tues, his residence will be searched Wed.
I'm only a writer with no mideast experience, but I think the dismembered remains are in the Saudi residence's garden.
Why did the Consul leave?
It's very fishy and the whole affair stinks to high heaven.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Favorable review of my paintings by Louis Jacobson City Paper.
Henry Callahan
Kyi May Kaung
Unlike even the most experimental artists who preceded them, the abstract expressionists of the mid-20th century prided themselves on ignoring cues from the tangible world. For them, art was predominantly a way to express their deepest emotions. On first inspection, Henry Callahan's acrylics on canvas—now showing at the Foundry Gallery along with works by Kyi May Kaung—call to mind the works of Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko. But where those ab-ex giants would channel their emotions, the Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based Callahan unabashedly channels nature when making his abstractions: Before the Storm (pictured) calls to mind a sea-and-sky horizon, complete with piscine forms roiling in the ocean. Similarly, Titanium Crescent features cresting waves and vertical strips that approximate undersea vegetation; the dark-hued upper half of Concrete Jungle suggests a deep forest. Kaung's palette is much lighter, though not always cheerier. Her works are a mix of watercolors and monotypes, influenced almost equally by Asian calligraphy and Western action painting: Several of her calligraphic pieces suggest a cacophony of street signs in an urban business district, whereas a number of her inkblot-filled works spin propulsively beyond the matte in the spirit of Jackson Pollock or Franz Kline. But her simplest works are her most pleasing; Courage and Haiku (for DG), feature balletic brushstrokes that cohere in near-perfect harmony. Both artists' works are on view from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday; and from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, to Sunday, April 28, at Foundry Gallery, 9 Hillyer Court NW. Free. (202) 387-0203. (Louis Jacobson)
Grandpa Kitchen --French fries for 50-100 people.
No one compares with this man for Cetana (generosity, charity).
Without even electricity or running water he cooks for his children.
What I like about him and his sons are they are so clean and careful about what they cook, I like their pots and they don't stint on anything.
One commentator wrote something like "Why are you feeding (the orphans) such good food, rice and beans would be adequate, save the money for more important things,"
Which is like saying, "Don't waste cake on them."
But look how happy and healthy the children are.
Give Grandpa a Nobel Prize.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Khashoggi coverage--
More Headlines
Members of the Turkish Human Rights Association demonstrating in front of the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul last week.
For Khashoggi, a Tangled Mix of Royal Service and Islamist Sympathies
Jamal Khashoggi had both an affinity for Islamist political movements and close ties to the Saudi royal family — until they were cut by a new crown prince.
The New York Times
one hour ago
Saudi Arabia promises to retaliate over any sanctions
Report: Saudi journalist recorded his own murder with Apple Watch
CBS News
Trump’s Middle East ambitions have been exposed as misguided fantasies
When Donald Trump was unexpectedly elected president, two nations in the Middle East that had been particularly aggrieved by the policies of the Obama ...
The Washington Post
2 hours ago
Opinion | My Fiancé Jamal Khashoggi Was a Lonely Patriot
His ideas will reverberate from Turkey to Saudi Arabia and beyond. Oppression never lasts forever. Tyrants eventually pay for their sins.
The New York Times
2 Princes--Kushner now to take blame for trmp bet on MbS Saudi "reformer" prince
That's what happens when real estatte developer who almost paid no taxes dabbles in foreign affairs.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Turkey says has obtained recording of purported torture and killing of Jamal Khashoggi
Apple watch.
Why did Saudi intel wipe watch, but leave the recording--to send message?
Friday, October 12, 2018
I think that's reasonable, can't do something twice.
In the meetup group wh I dropped out of bc met at night, another writer compared my spec fiction to his.
From my backlist--Behme, Growney collaboration.
Happy to say Behme gave me End Game, and I gave him my Fat Girl (painting) and took him and JA to dinner.
I got to sit on the "Eve Chair"
Unfortunately, his wife had to work that day.
You can find them on FB to see more of the wonderful pieces.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle at age 100
I don't agree with this article.
I think too much of current novels are preoccupied with minutiae of suburban or middle class life, esp. "white life" or rich Asian life--too much love and sex and violence.
I much prefer the Dickensian big picture which takes on the world.
In fact why I am reading this is I want to write about the monks of the Saffron Revolution, who fled to Thailand, then gained asylum in USA (upstate NY) and then had to earn a living in a chicken factory.
U Gambira became brain damaged due to beatings in prison. He said before he was arrested, he had spent his entire life as a novice and a monk.
Buddhist monks aren't supposed to kill.
In Thailand I saw shrimp packing and tuna canning factories at Mahachai (Big Fort).
I was taken by a university contact to "the good ones" so I can only imagine what the really bad looked like. Also, I only saw the healthy workers. They lived in open huts or lean-tos built against the shrimp factory wall.
When the students started asking Qs, such as "Can't you provide chairs so the workers can sit down?"
The manager answered, "Wood chairs will dissolve? /splinter in the water."
After that my contact stopped translating.
In the shrimp factory there was 10 inches of water on the floor, though the workers had white boots on.
At the tuna canning factory the conveyor belt was set at tock tock tock, as you would read this.
So--I believe Upton Sinclair. I immediately gave away the canned tuna I received from the factory tour.
The industry is not only cruel to animals but also to the workers, as witness the workers (today, now, in 2018) throwing and slamming turkeys about.
AS for pigs squealing, my husband and I and a western guest heard a heart-rending squeal, which could only have come from the baby pigs (for suckling pig) we saw in a cage on our way up, being killed with a spear. Somehow I didn't realize when I saw the pink piglets that they would be on the menu soon.
--I have not eaten suckling pig since, except maybe one Thanksgiving when my Karen friends (Karen is a Burmese ethnic group) brought in a whole roast pig from Italian Market in Phila.
I still eat meat, but less and fortunately I like beans and bean products such as tofu and fake meat and crab meat made of gluten.
Another Karen lady was a vet and a USDA meat inspector, so she knows all about sausage meat.
Stocks 2 day loss 1300 points.
I think people are fleeing to cash due to fear of trump.
Important recap--TRMS--10-10-2018. Pineda case, sentence, new details abt Kashoggi disappearance, Hurricane Michael, + letter from lawmakers to investigate Kashoggi disppearance (under Magnitsky Act),
and trmp is prancing at a rally chanting "lock her up."
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Chris Hayes--MSNBC--Wash, Post article--Saudi prince OK-ed team to lure missing journalist--to Turkey
Turkish police unreliable narrator.
What is trmp family's role in this, known to hate Bezos and Washington Post.
"If our allies can do this, what about our adversaries?"
Buzzfeed News reporter.
Chinese writer Yan Lianke--
There's an article in The New Yorker, but the pay wall is blacking me out bc I have read "1/2 my quota" for this month.
Maybe you can find it and read it on your own.
He sure looks like a very prolific, talented and excellent writer.
Oyster half shell to living reef
2030 is recent UN report break off date for world flooding--climate change reversal--so--
better think of other things fast too, but this is very encouraging.
BTW, I have not seen shad or shad roe for abt 10 years.
Headlines 10-10-2018--Hurricane MIchael, flu deadly, trmp crowd chants of Feinstein "lock her up"
More Headlines
Hurricane Michael, now a Category 3 storm, threatens Florida Panhandle as seen Tue., Oct. 9, 2018.
Hurricane Michael to become Category 4 storm, threatens Florida Panhandle -- live updates
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) said Hurricane Michael become a Category 3 storm with maximum sustained winds of 120 mph. According to the NHC's ...
CBS News
one hour ago
Hurricane Michael is now a Category 3 storm
Hurricane Michael May Be Florida Panhandle's Strongest Landfall in 13 Years With Life-Threatening Storm Surge,
Michael is expected to landfall along the Florida Panhandle Gulf Coast Wednesday. Dangerous storm surge, damaging winds and flooding rain are likely ...
The Weather Channel
Evacuations ordered as Hurricane Michael takes aim
ABC News
‘Entire state will be affected’ South Carolina prepares for Michael
As Hurricane Michael inches closer to the Gulf Coast, Emergency officials have moved to prepare for impacts the storm could produce in South Carolina.
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3 theories behind Nikki Haley's shocking resignation
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Trump rally crowd erupts with chants of 'lock her up' about Feinstein | TheHill
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The Turkish government unveiled measures aimed at reining in double-digit inflation that has helped erode investor confidence in the country and contributed to ...
The Wall Street Journal
Turkish Police Are Fighting Inflation by Checking Toothpaste Prices at Grocery Stores
Their toolkit is no match for the central bank's, but after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made repeated calls for a crackdown on price hikes, Turkey's municipal ...
More Local
Multivehicle Collision on Northbound I-270 Spur Snarls Beltway Traffic
Traffic was backed up for several miles on the Beltway's inner loop after a collision Tuesday involving five vehicles, including a tractor trailer, on the northbound ...
WOW House: $1.7M For Stylish Chevy Chase Home
M For Stylish Home With Custom Touches - Bethesda-Chevy Chase, MD - This Arts and Crafts-style home in Chevy Chase offers five bedrooms, a landscaped, ...
Bethesda-Chevy Chase, MD Patch
2 hours ago
Sold in Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Potomac: Oct. 2-9
5610 Wisconsin Ave., #1003, Chevy Chase Two-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom condo. List price: $2,650,000. Sold price: $2,300,000. 3803 Woodbine St., Chevy ...
Major safety improvements for bicyclists planned in Bethesda
Montgomery County engineers are nearing final plans to strengthen safety for hikers and bikers on the county's most popular trail, the Capital Crescent.
3 hours ago
More Business
Sears is said to be inching closer to bankruptcy and a filing could come as soon as this week, report says
Sears has hired advisors to help the company prepare for bankruptcy. The struggling retailer has closed many of its stores over the last few years, in part ...
Business Insider
3 hours ago
Sears Hires Advisers to Prepare Bankruptcy Filing
Sears Holdings has hired M-III Partners to prepare a bankruptcy filing that could come as soon as this week, according to people familiar with the situation, as ...
The Wall Street Journal
3 hours ago
NEW YORK - OCTOBER 01: Pershing Square Capital Management CEO Bill Ackman speaks at the New York Film Festival premiere of Sony Pictures Classics' "INSIDE JOB" at Alice Tully Hall on October 1, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for Rubenstein Communications) *** Local Caption *** Bill Ackman
Pershing Square Capital Management: Starbucks stake worth roughly $900 million, William Ackman says
Billionaire investor William Ackman, known on Wall Street for his high-pressure tactics to spur companies he invests in to change their ways, has a new target in ...
CBS News
Bill Ackman reveals $900 million bet on Starbucks, sees shares doubling in three years
It's a "rare opportunity to own one of the world's best businesses at a discount," said the hedge fund manager. The stock jumped 2 percent on news of Ackman's ...
SoftBank is considering taking a majority stake in WeWork
SoftBank may soon own up to 50 percent of WeWork, a well-funded provider of co-working spaces headquartered in New York, according to a new report from ...
5 hours ago
Report: SoftBank in talks for majority stake in WeWork
WeWork in NYC's Financial District. Photo: Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images. SoftBank is in talks to invest between $15 billion and ...
5 hours ago
Here are the winning numbers in tonight's $470M Mega Millions drawing
Roughly $470 million was up for grabs in Tuesday night's Mega Millions, making it the sixth largest jackpot in the game's history.
Fox News
3 hours ago
Tonight's Mega Millions Drawing An Estimated $470 Million
CBS Philly
More Technology
Google Pixel 3 & Pixel 3 XL first impressions: Initially delightful in the way Pixel 2 wasn’t
Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL have finally arrived, and there's not much to be surprised about in terms of specs on paper. All the leaks were spot-on, and there's ...
2 hours ago
Google Pixel 3 hands-on: bigger screens, better cameras, new features
Google just got done announcing its new Pixel 3 and 3 XL smartphones, and although we've seen them leaked repeatedly over the last couple months, we're ...
The Verge
Windows 10 October 2018 Update no longer deletes your data
Microsoft has figured out why the Windows 10 October 2018 Update deleted data from some systems and produced a fixed version. The severity of the bug ...
Ars Technica
2 hours ago
Windows 10 October 2018 Update rereleased to Insiders, data loss blamed on misdirected folders
Microsoft has restarted the Windows 10 October 2018 Update to Windows Insiders, ascribing the reports of data loss to folders that had been misdirected ...
The breach that killed Google+ wasn’t a breach at all
A bug in the rarely used Google+ network has exposed private information for as many as 500000 users. Should Google have shared more sooner?
The Verge
Google learned the hard way it's better to be transparent about privacy bugs than cover them up
Data left exposed and vulnerable to theft differs from data stolen by criminals in a breach, and Google's problems may highlight this legal difference.
More Entertainment
Taylor Swift , 2018 American Music Awards , 2018 AMA's , Winner
Taylor Swift Makes History at the 2018 American Music Awards
I Did Something Bad singer has a few more trophies to add to her collection.
3 hours ago
Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin - I Like It [2018 American Music Awards]
Cardi B
2 hours ago
Flashback: Fleetwood Mac Enter the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998
Stevie Nicks is on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ballot for the first time as a solo artist. If she makes it in, she'll join a select class of double inductees that ...
Rolling Stone
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2019 nominees are ...
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on Tuesday announced its nominees for induction into the 2019 class, and it's a mix of new and old candidates.
Cardi B and Nicki Minaj: First Face-to-Face at AMAs Since Shoe Throwing Incident
Cardi B and Nicki Minaj will be on the same turf tonight for the first time since Cardi chucked her shoe at Nicki.
Cardi B on Kulture, Offset, Nicki Minaj, and Being Hip-Hop's Fiercest Female Rapper
In her W Magazine cover story, new mom Belcalis Almanzar, aka Cardi B, talks about how she went from being a stripper to hip-hop's fiercest female rapper.
W Magazine
[VIDEO] AMAs Aretha Franklin Tribute — Watch American Music Awards 2018
Watch video of the Aretha Franklin tribute from the 2018 American Music Awards.
3 hours ago
Gladys Knight Leads Powerful Tribute To Aretha Franklin At The 2018 AMAs | Access
2 hours ago
More Sports
Boone made the same mistake, and it cost the Yankees again
Maybe, based on the last time he partook in a Yankees-Red Sox playoff series, Aaron Boone figured he'd save his best for last? Oops! … He did it again. With...
New York Post
one hour ago
Aaron Hicks in for Yankees; Brock Holt out for Red Sox
Brock Holt was out of the Red Sox lineup Tuesday, while Aaron Hicks returned for the Yankees.
Daniel Cormier and Derrick Lewis to headline UFC 230, Brett Okamoto breaks it down | UFC
5 hours ago
Less Than One Month After Saying "I Ain't Trying To Fight For No Title," Derrick Lewis Will Fight For The Title
Great news, fight fans! Derrick “My Balls Was Hot” Lewis—who was so out of shape and exhausted after knocking out Alexander Volkov last weekend that in his ...
Counsell: Kershaw, LA staff will be 'big challenge'
MILWAUKEE -- The Brewers weren't ready to name a starting pitcher for Friday's Game 1 of the National League Championship Series on Tuesday, the first full ...
4 hours ago
MLB playoff schedule 2018: Start times & TV info for League Championship Series games
Major League Baseball announced the start times for games in both League Championship Series, with the NLCS beginning Friday and the ALCS starting on ...
SB Nation
Midnight Mania! Nate Diaz ‘definitely off’ UFC 230 fight card
Welcome to Midnight Mania! The vengeful MMA gods have struck again. Dustin Poirier vs. Nate Diaz, a sure contender for action fight of the year, has fallen ...
MMA Mania
one hour ago
Dustin Poirier out of UFC 230 fight against Nate Diaz
Dustin Poirier has been forced out of his co-headlining fight against Nate Diaz at UFC 230.
MMA Fighting
4 hours ago
More Science
Oh Crap, It Looks Like Europa’s Surface Is Covered With Gigantic Shards of Ice
Oh Crap, It Looks Like Europa’s Surface Is Covered With Gigantic Shards of Ice
Jupiter's moon Europa, with its subsurface ocean, may have what it takes to foster alien life. A mission to this icy moon is on the wishlist of many astronomers, but ...
Giant, jagged 'ice spikes' cover Jupiter's moon Europa, new study suggests
In a study released Monday, scientists say they've found evidence of huge, jagged "ice spikes," some 50 feet tall, on the moon's surface. They spikes would ...
'Definitely Not Aliens': These Photos of SpaceX's Night Rocket Launch and Landing Are Amazing!
All rocket launches are spectacular, but SpaceX took things to another level over the weekend. On Sunday night (Oct. 7), a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket successfully ...
SpaceX aces first rocket landing in California after launching Argentine satellite
A Falcon 9 rocket launched Sunday night from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, with Argentina's SAOCOM 1A radar observation satellite. Credit: SpaceX.
Spaceflight Now
Ultrafast streak diffraction using optical fiber-driven low-energy electron gun. Credit: Chiwon Lee
Ultrafast optical fiber-based electron gun to reveal atomic motions
One of the most enduring "Holy Grail" experiments in science has been attempts to directly observe atomic motions during structural changes. This prospect ...
Lost Chain of Underwater Volcanoes Is a Massive Whale Superhighway
There is an ancient "highway" of massive, underwater volcanoes near Tasmania, and apparently whales love it.
Live Science
Incredible 'Lost World' of Underwater Volcanoes Discovered Deep in The Ocean
Hidden below the waves off the east coast of Australia, scientists have discovered a 'lost world' of epic volcanic peaks buried under the Tasman Sea, never ...
4 hours ago
More Health
Mental health issues linked to climate change
Temperatures rising and the fear of more natural disasters is affecting our mental health, a new study says.
‘Catastrophic’ mental health changes tied to climate change, study says. What we know
Global warming hurts mental health, including stress, anxiety and depression, a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says. It comes ...
Miami Herald
When should I push during childbirth? New study sheds light
It doesn't matter when women start pushing during childbirth, a new study finds.
Don't Delay After Dilation To Push Baby Out : Shots - Health News
There's no benefit to delaying pushing after receiving epidural anesthesia and reaching full dilation. A delay increases the risk of complications, particularly for ...
On re-entering society, formerly incarcerated people struggle to get health care and treatment for HIV.
After Prison, People Living With HIV Struggle To Get Medical Care : Shots - Health News
When people living with HIV walk out of prison, they leave with up to a month's worth of HIV medication in their pockets. What they don't necessarily leave with is ...
5 hours ago
Flu season starts with early deaths, warnings to vaccinateFlu season: 2 NC flu deaths so far, vaccinate by end of October | The Herald Sun
Flu season starts with early deaths, warnings to vaccinate
With at least two flu-related deaths reported in North Carolina in the past several weeks, state officials are urging the public to get vaccinated before the flu ...
The Herald-Sun
Doctors urge people to get flu vaccine following last year's deadly season
Doctors remind people to get their flu shot as flu season begins.
Tuesday, October 09, 2018
Rohingya Mother--Ashly Judd will match all donations.
But I always have mixed feelings abt UN
Anyway, it's better than nothing.
Pl retweet or post on your social media accts. However, I am not a fan of FB for a legitimate reason (my acct was cloned) and so I prefer you use other types of accts. Also FB allowed lots of fake accts and hate accts, esp with regard to the Rohingya.
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Thriller--good--The Contractor--international hit man--former marine discharged for drug use
for knee injury. 4.5 out of 5 stars--my rating. plot twist in the middle. kmk 2-21-2025