Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Quote of day--from Quora --how long will Saudi oil last.
Granville Phillips
Granville Phillips, 12 years in Saudi Arabia
Answered Nov 28, 2016 · Upvoted by Steven Merz, PhD Candidate Chemical Engineering · Author has 875 answers and 806.5k answer views
This is not transparent as Saudi Arabia keeps these details as basically a State secret. Stated reserves in 2015 were 206bn barrels. So on the basis of 2015 consumption, about 70 years. The trouble is no one really knows. The stated reserves are the same as 10 years ago - so either new reserves have been found (and no major discovery was announced) or oil sources have become more economically viable with new technology.
The reality is that after 50 years if there has been no economic diversification by Saudi, they are in trouble. I they manage to diversify economically then this will be less of a leading question.
3.9k Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by David K. Lee
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Aidan Keener
Aidan Keener, studies at Hillsdale High School (2020)
Answered Jul 17, 2018
As the Green Revolution continues to spread around the world over the next decades, producing oil will become less and less profitable. Around 2050, oil production will no longer be profitable for most nations, and by 2100 the reserves will be depleted in the Middle East. But Saudi Arabia has a plan for this.
There seems to be some sort of pervading myth that the oil-based economies of today don’t realize oil can’t last forever. Therefore, once the oil market collapses all these nations will die along with it. Obviously, this is untrue. Every one of these nations, from Angola to Saudi Arabia, is already making strides to diversify. The Vision 2030 program, led by the so-called “liberal” Prince Mohammad bin Salman (which really just means he’s a few steps to the left of the Ayatollahs), will boost sectors such as tourism and consumer goods. Hopefully, this will lead to Saudi Arabia moving their societal norms from the 15th century to the 19th.
In conclusion, the end of oil in Saudi Arabia, and in all oil-based economies, will just be a minor hiccup as their economies diversify, mostly in the name of preserving power but with a side effect of liberalization.
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Paul Freund
Paul Freund, former Worker in Energy Industries Including an Oil Major
Answered Oct 1, 2016
Let me put something forward to get the discussion going.
The Saudi’s resources will last forever because the world’s need for oil will have diminished to a very low level before their resources are depleted. That’s because they have more resources, especially the attractive light oils, than almost anywhere else!
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Abdul, A Saudi with various interests. Hold an MBA and a B.A. in International Studies.
Answered Oct 15, 2016 · Author has 80 answers and 54k answer views
Oil never ends. It accumulates over hundreds of years and it is an ongoing process. Oil extraction cost might get higher. Anyway, if oil does vanish Saudi Arabia will still be able to produce oil for 90 additional years because the huge reserve it has.
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Mark Latham
Mark Latham, Managing Partner at Commodity Intelligence. (2008-present)
Answered Aug 20, 2018
The official answer, according to ARAMCO is 69 years.
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