Monday, July 01, 2019

Forced to drink water from toilets + bad grammar

  1. I don't like the term migrants They r REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS.
  2. AOC says migrants forced to drink toilet water after tense border visit utm_campaign=site%20buttons via bad grammar shld be "After tense border visit to detention center, AOC says migrants forced to drink water from toilets."
  3. At this point I had had enough.

Special post--A Eulogy for Dr. Myo Nyunt, Agricultural Economist, by Daw Khin Pwint Oo--

By Khin Pwint Oo Edited by Kyi May Kaung. Eulogy for Dr. Myo Nyunt (1937 – 2024) I would never be able to excuse myself if I failed to...