Friday, May 01, 2020

Andrew Cuomo Daily Briefing--Metaphor of the Mask.

The man is a poet as well as a very good communicator and leader.

"I love the metaphor of the mask.  I'm wearing a mask to protect you, and it also stands for a spiritual unity."

At last NY State deaths have inched down to high 200s from over 800 4 weeks ago.

Cuomo reminds us of what we have achieved.  (Fewer people died than the straight line projection)

"We changed reality."

He goes on to details of what should be thought about in re-imagining NY State after Covid-19

An upsetting thing is the surge in domestic violence in 2 months.

Also the mental health problem.

I make it a point to listen to Cuomo's briefings every day, as it presents a snapshot of "where we are," even though I don't live in NY State.

Also "What we can learn."


Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.