Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Some of my short stories --


Alarming uptick in corona cases,

Support and understand yr children, don't bad mouth them down like my mother did.

Actually she only verbally abused me, not my siblings.


Tech companies slam trump on visa restrictions.


Yesterday evening on Lafayette Square, near White House--

About sundown, protestors tried to pull down statue of Andrew Jackson near the entrance.  A helicopter flew very low and police formed a line and pushed protestors out, using pepper spray balls.

I didn't not go out there and do not go out.

Saw many videos on Twitter.

Trump's secret service asked press to leave WH grounds.

This is not good.


Before and after photos of man who recovered from covid-19

don't get complacent.  Don't gamble with yr life and yr loved one's lives.

Don't go out on unnecessary trips, beach is unnecessary.

Hair cut is unnecessary. girl friend, boy friend is unnecessary.

Remember, covid is back on rise esp in USA and China and ppl are still traveling all over.

Asymptomatic people can carry and pass on disease.

Symptoms usually appear 2 weeks after exposure.

Virus can live on surfaces up to 3 days, ie if you touch something like a hotel door knob or a desk etc less than 3 days after someone has touched it, you can get it.

Again, wear masks and gloves when going out and wash cloth masks each time you use--sterilize in assigned pot in hot water.  Wash hands and wring out masks when cool, hang to dry in sun by straps.  Dispose of disposable gloves in trash.

Don't be a fool.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Stanley Milgram experiments--People at heart are mean SOBs


Essay collection, Let it Fly with the Flowers--edited by me.


Prof. Dr Aye Hlaing

Founder and first Rector, Institute of Economics, Rangoon, Burma.

I am now happily re-typing and editing U Aye Hlaing's Ph.D. dissertation for re-publication.

The pdf of the original typescript is in very bad shape, some of the letters indistinct, and Saya Aye Hlaing said so many important things (about Burma) that deserve to be read by a wider audience.

I am also going to set up a Go Fund Me to finance this project.

Ideally, it needs a custom cover which will cost about USD 500 for -ebook cover + for soft cover book cover wrap.

So please, reach into yr pockets and pledge or send some small amount to me.

The Go Fund Me will be ready in a few days.

You can start by buying some of my previous publications.

Every little bit helps.

Thank you.

Kyi May

Sunday, June 21, 2020

NBC Nightly News Sat 6-21-2020


My stories, Band of Flesh and 53 Red Roses


Two twins are stuck together for life, what's wrong with that?

A man gives his wife 53 red roses on her birthday, what's wrong with that?

Find out here.

My novella set in Burma and Thailand: The Rider of Crocodiles


Diane Rehm interviews Peter Baker about Bolton book.

Maybe this interview was done abt a week ago.

But still quite useful.


Tom Petty's family puts out Cease and Desist over trump campaign's use of song at rally.


TikTokTeens and KPop Stans say they sank trump's Tulsa so-called rally


Trump's tuba walk across WH lawn after failed rally.

Donald Trump arrived back to the White House with full fanfare after his #TulsaRally

Unbelievable--entire text of John Bolton book leaked online.

I found it on Twitter.

Official book launch is on Tues.

Judge just struck down trump admin request to block it.

Meanwhile, teenagers caused empty seats at Trump's Tulsa, OK rally by pre-ordering tickets and then not showing up, some providing fake names and phone #s so their data could not be mined by trump campaign.

Stay tuned.


Barr forces out Berman of SDNY


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hilary Mantel on Princess Diana


Q E II images


Queen looks at Turkish first lady's footwear.


Dr Kyi May Kaung, dissenting artist, poet and political economist, interviewed by former movie director, singer, artist, writer U Win Pe


It's in Burmese, my art show Mostly Burmese Monks.


1997-2001, we worked at Radio Free Asia.

This was made after both of us had left RFA.


Trump fires heads of RFA, RFE etc

I knew it was coming sooner or later, bc he thinks he can "handle" international relations directly.

This is truly a fascist move, just like NW sending 1 tank to Burma Broadcasting Service on March 2, 1962.

Haven't heard of former colleagues at RFA looking for jobs yet, but--

Time to query my Tyranny book.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

11 year old crochet prodigy to man who knits, via the Aran islands.

How Aran islands generated its own art form.

Man who knits, using recycled wool from Salvation Army sweaters that he pulls apart.

11 year old crochet prodigy

and that's it for today.



trump's niece to publish harrowing tell all book--


Exorcise the demon trump--The Bloody AWful T-rumps


 Trump toddler sippy cup
 Obama and Biden drinking water, vs sippy cup trump steadying his hand.


as he almost slipped coming down a ramp at Westpoint.
 Ann Telnaes cartoon for Washington Post.

Mel Trmp did not come to DC immediately bc renegotiating her prenups, tall all book by trump's niece says.

Monday, June 08, 2020

Two very cool gentlemen--


Zucchero and Pavorotti

Special post, Nana Mouskuori sings Va Pensiero in French, Paris Opera House.

The opulence of the French court always makes my flesh crawl, all based on oppression and empire, but I would like once in my life to hear/watch an opera, perhaps The Magic Flute, in that opera house.

Many shots of exterior and interior of Paris Opera House.

Kyi May


Shark attack + Covid-19 It's up to you to keep yourself healthy and alive--

Some off ventilators have still not regained consciousness

Don't let down your guard and don't go out.  We are going to have a 2nd peak, and the peaks take months to get down, see NY experience.

In 2 weeks, Covid positives from all the thousands of demonstrators will increase again.  New York state has greatly increased testing facilities--but check testing sites in yr own states.

The bottom line is protect yourself and don't go out unnecessarily.

If you are "bored" yr "boredom" might be alleviated by being caught in a violent incident in a demonstration, or having a nasty case of coronavirus, dying, and not even knowing family members have also died--and they are all "can't breathe" painful deaths on ventilators.




Sunday, June 07, 2020

Artist Chuck Close


Elementary, my dear Watson--air prices will double if they can only fill 1/3 to 1/2 capacity.

One more reason why academic conferences will move to Zoom for the duration of the pandemic.
Quote Tweet
Howard Getson
Air Travel Prices Set to Double: US Europe $2200 Economy Return. bit.ly/308Gx6O
__ but so far, reports of airlines packing ppl in.

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.
