Monday, June 08, 2020

Shark attack + Covid-19 It's up to you to keep yourself healthy and alive--

Some off ventilators have still not regained consciousness

Don't let down your guard and don't go out.  We are going to have a 2nd peak, and the peaks take months to get down, see NY experience.

In 2 weeks, Covid positives from all the thousands of demonstrators will increase again.  New York state has greatly increased testing facilities--but check testing sites in yr own states.

The bottom line is protect yourself and don't go out unnecessarily.

If you are "bored" yr "boredom" might be alleviated by being caught in a violent incident in a demonstration, or having a nasty case of coronavirus, dying, and not even knowing family members have also died--and they are all "can't breathe" painful deaths on ventilators.




Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online