Sunday, April 25, 2021

Complete media coverage of min aung hlaing Asean visit + Wai Wai Nu's op ed in Washington Post 4-25-2021.

of wh I recommend Wai Wai Nu's op ed in Wapo.

A few years ago. c 2014 or 15, while US under Bush still, Wai Wai Nu and other Burmese Muslims were in USA by Invitation.

WWN was at special Eid dinner at WH.

Young man "Nicky Diamond"  I purposely "forgot" his name, was walking around DC on sight-seeing tour when I spoke to him.

Anti-Muslims riots instigated by junta had already started.  I asked after Nicky's family--"Well, he said, we live right next to a mosque."

Nicky visited the Bushes at their ranch in TX.

WWN also could not come to see me, reason being, she said, "I could not breathe."

I think she had a panic attack.

I've witnessed several panic attacks, incld one by late Dr Khin Maung Kyi in his hotel room in the Marriot Hotel in c.1998, and 2 which I suffered myself,

first one at and after the very first Burma Studies Conference c 1994 and another one abt 1998 when a close friend said she'd "sue me for using her 'novel'" plot--only problem, it was not "her plot"--It was story abt an activist who had to become a fisherman in Thailand (sold into slavery) and his wife, who was sold into a brothel. Burmese and Thai are completely different languages and not mutually intelligible.  I got the story line from a real life story in the news when I worked at ASS-B radio (changed their name) on M St.

So anyone who wants to blah blah me--think on it, who speaks the Truth??




NBC Nightly News--3-25-2025