Friday, May 28, 2021

Senator Mitch McConnell speaks up forcefully for democracy in Burma.

It was a good speech and I am glad Zin Mar Aung cld join them, via Zoom?


It's a very forceful statement and at last McC has clarity, after hemming and hawing so much abt trump.


We're beggars these days, and we have to accept everyone who comes to our side.





Thursday, May 27, 2021

myanmar junta selling illegal timber


Escalating deaths by torture in Myanmar/Burma.

It's called the sauk myin kytt te pont ma or "I can't stand yr b face Act" ICSYBF Act. Unwritten since 1962 coup.


Wapo--Macron acknowledges France bears some responsibility for Rwanda genocide.


Special post--PBS--Terror in Myanmar--

Lawyer for Dr Myo Aung arrested after leaving NPT Court Hearing.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

The incredible Mr Ben Menashe

Dickens & Madson Canada, a Montreal-based firm, agreed to represent the junta in Washington via Israeli-Canadian lobbyist Ari Ben-Menashe.

Documents submitted by Ben-Menashe showed that the agreement was reached with the junta's defense minister, General Mya Tun Oo and that the government would pay the firm $2 million.


They got MAH's name wrong.  I found bc I Googled "Ben Menashe and Than Shwe" as Shwe's photo was in previous article.


Even CNN used B-M to get access to Myanmar, which is where I first heard his name.






WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.