Saturday, May 15, 2021

Myanmar Coup--how to contact Biden White House.

You can email directly from the website.

You can write on letter size paper and mail it.

You can leave a comment by phone.

Below is a sample of what to ask for


Don't be long-winded, stick to the point.

It's not about you.

Be polite and calm.

Check yr grammar and spelling.

Good luck.

--sample follows.

Dear President Biden,

Please provide humanitarian aid via air drops to Burmese refugees and People's Defense Force via air drops in Mindat, Sagaing District and Myingyan District where citizens have fought off junta goons with bamboo "shotguns" and other home made weapons and are hiding in the forest.

Please move for Wn nations to send UN Peacekeeping Forces ASAP.

Please send military and strategic, technical and logistical support to the National Unity Government, and the PDF.

Thousands will die if you don't.

Please pressure neighboring countries like Thailand and India to accept Burmese refugees.

Thank you,

xyz --website will ask for yr co-ordinates.



Wllie Nelson--You don't know me.