Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Beautiful, wrenching images by "amateur"photographers who gave their lives --
Pl share this link widely and start collecting money.
The easiest way is for you to donate on the Myanmar Now site with a note on how you wish yr money to be used. $5, 10, 20 is only the price of a small dessert and coffee.
I'm out for eye surgery soon--but pl do this for me--esp. the families of these young people.
UN may turn its head, but we shld not.
Elon Musk rolls out pay wall causing uproar among developers From Financial Times
The shake up is the latest turmoil to hit Twitter since Musk bought the platform for $44bn in October. The billionaire has already alienated a large swath of advertisers with his content moderation approach, as well as some of Twitter’s most powerful users over his plans to charge $8 a month for its “blue tick” verification. In March, Musk said Twitter’s finances are improving to the point the social media company could return to posting positive cash flow next quarter. But the company remains on the hook for $1.5bn of annual interest payments on $13bn of debt he used to fund the acquisition
Kg; He DID NOT buy it with his own money and now debt service is stupendous.
In past I could ask Google specific Qs such as "at wh gate will flight -- leave on -- at -- airport" and get correct instant answers. Or "C-drama XYZ ep 1 eng sub.
I don't think I will pay $8 per month.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Woman at center of Emmett Till lynching and death died --
Emmett, she charged, whistled at her.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Quote of the Day from Spike Lee et al, BlackKKKKlansman--Harry Belafonte's last movie
Kwame holds The Crowd in The Palm of his Hand. Members of the
Audience who were sitting already are rising to their Feet...
sits, claps vigorously, as if forgetting he is Undercover...
In closing I know it's getting late,
may I leave you Sista's and Brothers
with these Last Words. "If I am not
for myself, who will be? If I am for
myself alone, who am I? If not now,
when? And if not you, who?" We need
an Undying Love for Black People
wherever We may be. Good Night and
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Sunday, April 23, 2023
My Archive at International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.
I shld work on depositing more items that are already in the public domain.
They don't take original paintings. And I am keeping most in my personal collection, Estate, anyway.
Yay mon--water cake in process, Chiangmai,Thailand.
God almighty--who's fighting whom--Sudan--US evacuates US UK Canadian diplomats 100 using 100 special ops, Ospreys.
separatist leader allied with Russia and Wagner group.
born again democrat
civilians relying on Resistance Coms.
Those int-ed in conflict w bur junt shld read this section carefully.
NUG shld set up a pigeon post and non-internet secure channels NOT a centralized one. Cells shld not know each other (well). A code and passwords shld be changed all the time.
NUG shld request direct help w communications fr US DOS and DOD.
kg 4-23-2023
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Reuters--US, UK, France, China to evacuate citizens from Khartoum, Sudan.
Could be Rangoon soon--
US says "shelter in place."
I'm not sure if US Embassy still in Burma.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Himal Lit Fest tentative dates –All the world’s a stage.
Mauve are release dates on Himal Southasian website of stories every other day. Then they will be up there forever.
I don't yet know times of Twitter panels and have to learn how to use spaces in meantime.
I am very excited as I love all these panels, poetic, political,
as all panelists are already curated in it's like meeting your soul brothers and sisters.
Writers of the World, Unite, right?
Now it's on Zoom--others,in Berlin,Helsinki, NY City, Toronto,Calgary,DeKalb IL, Ann Arbor,Mchigan--Boulder,CO,Ubud, Bali, all good in terms of panels and presenters and audience response, but sometimes pol. lackeys and professional SOBs busy heckling--or more.
Like the Other Side taking photos or stealing evidence photos.
Won't go into detail here. Read my published work.
Zoom is safer in that respect, but tech makes one "once removed."
But post-Rushdie stabbing and Covid on-going, it's likely to be the norm from now on
so you and I must learn at least to use some of the tech.
If you have writerly/artistic ambitions get to work--just show your stuff, selling orchids, selling clothes, used books, new books, it's all the same.
Don't be afraid.
I started reading poetry downstairs in the community room of the dorm I Iived in.
Fiction Fest schedule
Date Event Participants
12/06 Launch event: Panel on publishing in Southasia TBD
12/06 Containing Lightning Saher Hasnain
14/06 Joseph, Our Math Teacher Shah Tazrian
16/06 Beast Kyi May Kaung
16/06 Twitter spaces - Reading Saher, Shah, Kyi May
19/06 Deep Red Carnations Ciara Mendis
21/06 The Odyssey of Kartar Singh Siddharth Singh
23/06 Accident Zone Drive Deepa Basthi
23/06 Twitter spaces - Reading Ciara, Siddharth, Deepa
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Himal Fiction Fest, e-version, coming up in June- I am one of only 6 Asian writers selected.
Himal Fiction Fest, e-version, coming up in June- I am one of only 6 Asian writers selected.
Dear All,
I believe in working straight through any life or health crisis, writing every day and painting as often as I can.
Writing for me is a way of thinking aloud and getting life choices in order.
I wrote Beast, based on a Burmese story (Thiha Bahu), about 2001 starting it in a short-lived building writing group, and finished it after a gap of several years.
Previously, Himal Southasia had published one fiction piece Black Belt and one non-fiction piece Potemkin Politics of mine.
Himal acquiring editor told me they publish fiction infrequently, but as a former contributor he would like to see my work (that has not been published before).
I sent 2 pieces, 1st one 1st chapter of novel I have been working on since last July. Beast was my 2nd submission.
There will be an ad. campaign that they will do, also e-sessions on publishing and (joint) readings on Twitter-
I already worked through Beast w the Himal copy editor and now they are working on the illustrations.
In the past 2005 I went to Berlin for a similar festival of Writers who Dare Confront at House of World Culture where also a small # of writers were selected.
They found us on Internet and that one included Vietnamese poet Linh Dinh
my now-friend Mariane Villaneuva,
and founder of "Indonesian Time Magazine" Tempo, Goenawan Mohamad.
Needless to say I had a swell time, with only 2 scares, one involving Burmese and the other the Philippine ambassador to Germany, who insisted M's story of gang rape of beauty queen "never happened."
Marianne gave me permission to write abt that.
I'll have more details later.
Kyi May 4-18-2023
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Monday, April 17, 2023
Sunday, April 16, 2023
a hundred roses for Olga Herzon + poem Naught --from Wrath Bearing Tree
Painting of roses by Fantin Latour--my favorite flower painter.
Red Roses on Balustrade --Kaung-
kaung 5-16-2023
What to do with old portrait paintings
Some are quite beautiful.
The one shown could have a novel written around it.
Cherry Blossom Parade--Plethora of Pink
Usually I go to the Tidal Basin, where one woman asked, "What kind of trees are these?"
I answered.
Friday, April 14, 2023
Wang Kai--When a snail falls in love--
Scene 1 Cambodian train
Scene 2 Rangoon Train Station--
see how decrepit it is.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Truly dreadful, terrible Burmese New Year--"There were pieces of flesh everywhere" Sagaing air strike etc
Just scroll down incld 100 dead, airstrikes in Sagaing etc.
Shwekoko Gambling Hub etc.
NPR quits Twitter
I agree.
I have quit using it too.
My entire acct disappeared and I had to open a new one.
Was good under Jack Dorsey. @jack gave fast responses.
At the rate Musk is firing staff, it will get worse.
Mastadon is not that user friendly, Facebook sucks. All "kmk"on FB fakes or deep fakes.
and yet ppl like it so much.
Monday, April 10, 2023
Excerpt from Gloria Anzaldua--Borderlands
something like what I try to do.
Kyi May Kaung
Sunday, April 09, 2023
Friday, April 07, 2023
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