Saturday, August 26, 2023

I've had a wonderful life + Philadelphia, my pics-+ doll house Cedar Grove Mansion, Fairmont Park .
Knew of--
Lorene Carey
Molly Russakov
Major Jackson--did a poetry reading with at local radio station.
Woon-Ping Ching--knew her relative
Roko Kawai--saw her picture in local magazine--decided she could dance my Shee-Monkey--contacted her--
she pulled quotes from my book-length poem--danced 3 versions with Susan Hess Studio--3 evenings--while I read excerpts--she danced facets of themes--rather than the narrative story--I liked the first one best.
She also danced a duet with Rennie Harris --in which I think Rennie or she slid off the other's back and stood on their head. I think it was Rennie--
Rennie's troupe did a group dance--sneakers squeaking, dreadlocks flying-- Rennie did a solo dance in which his body shook like a leaf under his baggy sweat shirt and pants--"Popping"
I also met Pew grantees--poets Aaron Yeats Perry (no relative to W B Yeats)--at the reception. AYP told me about a car trip when he was a teenager--for his girl-friend to get an abortion--"and all the way back in the car I heard a baby crying."
I also met Linh Dinh--Vietnamese-born poet, whom I met again in Berlin 2005 as "writers who dare to confront." I was a Pew Finalist in Literature twice.
I've had a wonderful life-- I met many A-List people.
If I'd continued living in Burma--I wouldn't even have heard of any of them.
In Helsinki I met a young man who had just come from helping victims of Cyclone Nargis--he had scratches on his hands--
he thought Salman Rushdie was a woman.
It breaks my heart.
Another drew a diagram of how corrugated iron sheet roofs peel off during a cyclone. One can be cut in half--or beheaded trying to pickup these in high winds.
Kyi May Kaung

Ex--Proud Boys leader arrested on assault charges near US Capital+ much more on Newsweek--scroll down Newsweek.