Monday, October 23, 2023

Jeeze--stolen dinosaur bones-crushed and used for Chinese "medicine"
When the market model combined with ignorance fails.
trump is another e.g.

Ukraine's first use of US-made M39 missile probably took out 21 Russian helicopters--
An M39 usually should strike within 50 yards or so of its aim-point. This isn’t super-accurate by modern standards, but it’s accurate enough considering that the M39 is an area weapon.
As the missile plummets toward its target, it spins and pops open, scattering 950 steel-and-tungsten bomblets across an area of potentially tens of thousands of square feet. Each M74 submunition has the explosive power of a hand grenade.

Monday, October 16, 2023

All the bad news from Burma+ I told you so.

Burma--more bad news all the time--+hmm--I told you so--
Mon, Oct 16 at 7:26 PM rel="nofollow">
this below can be considered good news--
I don't think both sides are locked in a deadly stalemate--I think at last in Burmese recent history the good guys will win
I think the time for talk is long over--
China surveying to build Ann (in Arakan) to Kunming Railway--exactly along the Shwe Pipeline--Kudos to Rohingya activist Dr Nora Rowley who told me this--why China/Myanjunt wants Arakan--in 2012--at Columbia U confce.
Nora is a medical doctor who actually worked in Arakan/Rakhine--with Medicins Sans Frontieres--and then "could not be just a doctor anymore" and became an activist. I know at least 2 women like that--the other was a journalist for whom Bill Moyers created a special job--

Friday, October 13, 2023

Amazing studio recording--very British accent--color-blind casting is the best--

On the Street where you live-,vid:6kX3PZ_ynss,st:0

No--it's not Valentine's day--which I never celebrate--it's closer to Halloween--All Souls Day--Ezio Pinza--Some enchanted evening-- abouthwBaeY
But I get tired of reading and writing about war.
Then I switch to my novel in progress.
He's a famous singer-she's a writer who designs and makes opera costumes.
That's all I can say now.
Kyi May Kaung

Nat King Cole--When I fall in love--

Ethel Merman--Annie Get your Gun--I got lost in his arms--,vid:J0NR5C7flSw,st:0

Amnesty International--Burmese junta uses its biggest bomb on village near China border.

News wrap from Irrawaddy and AFP--
Arakan Army in solidarity with Kachin after massacre
Around 30,000 Thais work in Israel, mostly in the agriculture sector, according to Bangkok’s Labor Ministry.
Two returning workers were in wheelchairs, their faces tired after the long journey home

Isreal orders 1.1 m people to move in 24 hours--how is this possible--Reuters
Scalise drops out of Republican clown car--
Isreal orders 1.1 m out of Gaza--
+ sign I saw on car.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Isreal vs Hamas war--3rd day dead and wounded stats.
This is like Burmese junta's long time 4 cuts policy--
Why couldn't Isreal have had a live and let live policy?
Beyond belief.

40 year age gap--celebrity romance--
I've never heard any of Cher's songs--butshe's a very smart woman who says very intelligent things
and why not?
She's a millionaire and at the top of her game--why shouldn't she have love with someone equally talented.
Why do we poke our noses in other's business.
They look happy together--that's all that counts.

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Un aura amorosa--Mozart--sung by Juan Diego Florez--

Mario Lanza--re-mastered--Younger then Springtime--,vid:y-B_oyqqzVc,st:0

Netanyahu says "at war"--air land and sea strikes--Al Jazeera video--warning graphic
Note--Burmese junta has had close relations with Isreali--Mossad (Intel) since Ne Win and 1960s.
This time both US intel and Mossad missed surprise Hamas attack.
All Resistance should be very careful of cell phone and drone security.
Before Russian attack--Zelensky's Ukraine first secured its Internet.
take note,
emergencies--hiking camping travel etc--water purification tabs--used by US army--
Good idea to send to refugees Burma and elsewhere.
also kettles for boiling water--pot for food.
Backpacks--other emergency supplies. T
ents--sleeping bags--
UN is ineffective--work through other channels.

Isreal vs Hamas conflict-we are truly in WW III
Isreal attack captured live

Friday, October 06, 2023

Special post W.S.Merwin reads his poem--Envoy from d'Aubinge.

All India Radio still going strong--Modi--etc
Our Burmese connection is our lovely Daw Than E Fend--popular singer frompre-World War II--Aung San Suu Kyi's "volunteer aunt--who worked at AIR during the war.
Also Nehru gave refuge to U Nu and family.
Aung San Suu Kyi's mother was ambassador in New Dehli.
all the bad news from Burma--shootings in Hpakant, jet bombs another village--refugees/workers stuck at China Border
please scroll down.
As expected, a "Burma problem" is fast becoming a regional problem, as ASEAN bows to junta.
Pl scroll down--Myanmar Now pay wall is coming up soon. kmk 10-6-2023

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Long term treasury bond collapse largest in history--

Since March 2020, Treasury bonds with maturities of 10 years or more have plummeted 46%, Bloomberg says. That's just under losses seen in the stock market when the dot-com bubble burst.13 hours ago
The collapse in Treasury bonds now ranks among the worst market crashes in history https://www.busines

Monday, October 02, 2023

Google--Victor Hugo--Les Miserables on your own--read English translation on Gutenberg Project.

If you have never readHugo--you don't know what literature is.

17 Jean Valjeans + One Day More!

From Les Miserables--the Broadway show--Bring him home--,vid:JMGMSgPHJoI,st:0
Alfie Boe
Colm Wilkinson

Latest Chinese block-buster "tarnishes" its reputation--says M .junta.
I also saw "Country M" in South Wind Knows--
as source of an immune disease among an unnamed ethnic group.
Maybe long love affair bet Burma and China starting to fray.

AP--Ukraine building advanced army of drones
cardboard drones thattook out fighter jets on ground.
Australian anti (Russian) drone killer Slinger
USD 1 m each.
If you are Australia-based--check out advocating for Australian help for Burmese Resistance.
I don't know if Slinger works against jet planes--I would think not.
But Burmese Resistance are fast learners and they could ask for tech advice.
Note--China is leading manufacturer of drone parts.
I believe Taiwan is the leading manufacturer of SIM cards.
Australian experts are named in the video--look for them. --
10-2-2023 10-2-2023
Ukraine is building an advanced army of drones. For now, pilots improvise with duct tape and bombs
Updated 6:51 AM EDT, September 26, 2023
LUHANSK REGION, Ukraine (AP) — Flying above enemy lines, a Ukrainian reconnaissance drone sends a clear image back to soldiers hiding in a basement a few kilometers away: A Russian armored vehicle is idling along a key logistics route, looking like easy prey in the artillery-scarred green landscape. --

How to wrte a kick-ass query letter

Cash-strapped M junta does all the wrong things--

Nobel Prize goes to 2 scientists, Univ of Pennsylvania graduates, who developed Covid vaccine + how it works-- This is Ivy League Univ from whch I got my Ph.D. in PoliticalEconomy.

Sunday, October 01, 2023

From Book Riot--long list of literary novels about older women--diverse too--
from vampires to A-list women from many countries--and a "last colony."
Alzhs., widowers, troubled teens.
There's more here than anyone can read--I hope you find one that suits your taste.
Obviously, boomers read and the book market is still good.
That's good for me as a writer and a reader to know.
I have always benefited, e.g. medically from being part of this large population cohort--
I've always been able to find out what I need to know or think through by reading and writing.
I think that's great.
Kyi May Kaung
Dream of Old Age--copyright Kyi May Kaung Below--Old woman in Bali--copyright Kyi May Kaung

Jutsice for Myanmar--special report--Developing Dictatorship

Trump admin being sued over Signal leak--