Monday, October 16, 2023

All the bad news from Burma+ I told you so.

Burma--more bad news all the time--+hmm--I told you so--
Mon, Oct 16 at 7:26 PM rel="nofollow">
this below can be considered good news--
I don't think both sides are locked in a deadly stalemate--I think at last in Burmese recent history the good guys will win
I think the time for talk is long over--
China surveying to build Ann (in Arakan) to Kunming Railway--exactly along the Shwe Pipeline--Kudos to Rohingya activist Dr Nora Rowley who told me this--why China/Myanjunt wants Arakan--in 2012--at Columbia U confce.
Nora is a medical doctor who actually worked in Arakan/Rakhine--with Medicins Sans Frontieres--and then "could not be just a doctor anymore" and became an activist. I know at least 2 women like that--the other was a journalist for whom Bill Moyers created a special job--

Judge Boasberg will oversee Trump Signal lawsuit.