Saturday, January 06, 2024

More from Irrawaddy--

Resistance troops said they found a wide range of uniforms and badges on those under his command. The badges and uniforms showed that the junta’s military had sent staff from its medical services, communications, and electrical and engineering units – as well as its fire department and weapons factories – to the frontline. Moreover, the troops sent to the post were from all over Myanmar – the Northern, Southeastern, Western and Yangon commands – as well as the Defense Service Academy and Defense Service Technological Academy, resistance members said.
“It is very unusual that all these people were sent to a camp led by a lecturer who is not a combat veteran. In fact, this makes it more obvious how weakened the army is,” Captain Htet Myat told The Irrawaddy. He said the junta troops were forcefully sent to the outpost because they were “necessary.”" rel="nofollow">

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--