Thursday, February 29, 2024

Very painful to watch--new documentary--inside the myanmar military dictatorship--

Ian Buruma called it "A Fascist Disneyland"in c 1994 --
civilian clothing change--is not "men in white"--it's taikpon aingyi--Chinese inspired top jacket of 19th century--note the gold salwe--diagonal decoration-
used during monarchic times.
They want to be kings in NayPyiTaw "Kings' Royal City."
Front part is all junta b-s.
Inside Myanmar Military Dictatorship | How Hope was Shattered | ENDEVR Documentary

See Irrawaddy--David Scott Matthieson review of Scot Marciel's Imperfect Partners

I can empathize with Marciel and his colleagues. Based in Yangon during this time, I witnessed a never-ending stream of imperious visitors who had all the answers in just three short days in-country, with the obligatory one-hour atrocity tourism drive through an IDP camp outside of Sittwe, fueled by the latest overblown New York Times column by Nicholas Kristoff, and already prepping their ‘report from the field’ to impress colleagues in DC. There was little acknowledgment that all of this restless energy from the infuriated Western conscience made no difference to the Rohingya, or anyone else in Myanmar for that matter.

Irrawaddy: Arakan Army says junta detainees admit to war crimes on video--
including execution of 4, including ajournalist and a rapper.

Eminem on Palestine +

Israel & USA Sugar Daddy - parody with Eminem song,vid:GVAl_BWa2kU,st:0

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

My archive at IISH, Amsterdam--

Lyndon Johnson swearing in, Kennedys in Dallas moments before the assassination

Book cover

Aretha Franklin singing at Obama's first Inauguration--

Former First Lady Michelle Obama in WH kitchen with WH chef--

Aleksei Navalny--

Some names you can and should research yourself--Marx,Hegel, Lenin,Stalin, Trotsky--George Orwell's Animal Farm--

I'm begining a series of Russia posts--#1-who was Aleksei Navalny?
I'll go a few every day--beginning today, in no particular order.
Believe you me--Russia and China were also 2 of my Ph Dsubjects
Not just Burma--
"No No No No," in Hindi as the evil king Dananand said. k 2-27-2024

Special--From Foreign Policy in Focus--Navalny's death--what does it mean?

He should never have gone back to Russia.

My 2010 review of Win Tin's What's That? A Human Hell. Originally in Foreign Policy in Focus--

Warning graphic account --USA--police release video of mass shooting at Joel Osteen--mega-church.

Monday, February 26, 2024

hmm--it's the Western publications like New York Times wh don't want to share.

Last try--37 tortured and "disppeared" from Daik Oo prison--Irrawaddy special investigation.

I am unable to post the links--Google it yourself.

An active-duty member of the U.S. Air Force who set himself ablaze Sunday outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., while shouting “free Palestine,” has died, a U.S. official confirmed to NBC News. The airman was identified as Aaron Bushnell, 25, of San Antonio, Texas, D.C. police said.3 hours ago
Air Force member dies after self-immolating outside Israeli ...

Chelsea Manning--wikileaks--transitioning to a female identity in prison--

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Friday, February 23, 2024

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Potent mix--from AFP--US charges yakuza leader with trying to see nuclear material from Myanmar--

"the great Burman culture"

Kronstadt--it would be a lovely place without puffy face--

Mongol warrior

Burmese-1950s? 1930s photo

Analysis--forced conscription--See Irrawaddy site--copied and pasted.--2-22-2023

On the flip side, the weakened value of the kyat compared to that of the overvalued official rate pegged prior to the policy changes could also lead to higher domestic prices for traded goods, making it more expensive for the ordinary Myanmar person to purchase products. Lurking in the background is also the low productivity rate of the private sector, rising consumer price inflation, and border trade losses due to armed conflict. The World Bank’s Myanmar Economic Monitor reported in December 2023 that the annual inflation rate in Myanmar is now at 29 percent as the kyat has depreciated by 18 percent against the US dollar; and that firms were reportedly operating at just 56 percent of their capacity in September 2023. Similarly, the Ministry of Commerce of the State Administration Council (SAC, the junta’s official name) recorded a 40-percent border trade decline, in the areas adjacent to both Thailand and China, since the beginning of Operation 1027, a major anti-regime military offensive launched in northern Shan State in October by an alliance of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs). Overall, the combination of instability from both the security and economic perspectives could potentially render Myanmar unliveable for its people.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

I'll tell you for sure--no effing image of any effing Burmese monster will ever be on this blog.

Heros--Dr. Mie Mie Wyn Byrd--Burmese-born--Former Lt.Col. USArmy--image from Irrawaddy.

Warning graphic--Magwe recent deaths and destruction--wrought by the junta--images Irrawaddy. Sending Metta.

No one--repeat no one--can fill the space left by a loved one--

Kyi MayKaung

So sad--Condolences.-Godfrey Gao's father died in 2023

Roses by LT

How reporter colleagues helped police uncover the murder of famous Las Vegas investigative reporter Jeff German--
I even made a mostly black and white drawing of Jeff Berman.
Rest in Truth--brave man.

Dr.Kaung's Best of C-drama list--Sword and Brocade--textile industry, love story, mystery--in ancient China.,vid:aKZqzqBQgr8,st:0

C-drama binge--Romance of Tiger and Rose--time travel--just lovely.,vid:98dhe4Tx-KY,st:0

Kept men and older women--from the West--documentary--Egypt
It's sad.
Like a Tennessee Williams short story--in which one woman got roughed up in South America.
Bali and China are other places.

Godfrey Gao 1984-2019--RIP

I can't get over it and have written a novel in his memory--still looking for an agent. If you come across anyone--send me a message.
My novel has nothing much to do with either Gao or Lichuan.
Just someone with cancer --and multicultural characters. American and opera settings--

More Lichuan--I wish Xuan Yin had written a sequel--

Special post--English translation of famous Chinese Internet novel--Lichuan's Past
One of the best novels I have ever read--the characters stay with you forever.
In this chap/episode, Lichuan jumps into a dumpster on a dare by his estranged girl friend Xie Xiao Qui as she does not wish to give up smoking.
Made into C-drama Remembering Lichuan.
Lichuan has never told her he has cancer--
So the poor girl imagines all sorts of things when he completely disappears for 6 years.
I watched the happy parts of the series 3 times and the read the Internet novel which has a happy ending once already.
Just checking again how the TV series differs from the book version.
Truly a great writer and great actors too.
Can't get over the death of the handsome actor Godfrey Gao.
This is a continuation of Valentine's Day post--also close to death anniversary of my father.
Kyi May Kaung

Sunday, February 18, 2024

This "shot while trying to escape" is an old story--while even in so-called transition period, c. 2011- 2021 Feb. Ko Par Gyi was found in his underwear with part of his head missing.
Imprisonment Fails to Dim Love

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Wow--the downfall of a corrupt former US Presdt--trump
and he still thinks of running forpresdt again?
the weather vane will be when Melania leaves for her Tiffany's security guard lover. Yet he still appeals to the hate faction. 2-17-2024

Cassandra wiki--go from there--

You will rule the grave yards.--Anonymous

Casssandra said: 3rd stanza--

NO NO NO No /my name is also NOE (Burmese--Awake) /Apollo took away his gift /spat in my mouth /and cursed me.
You shall foresee the future
but no one will believe you.
Red-haired women.
I curse you back as I saw before

Cassandra--contd--who will ? 2nd stanza

OK,OK/ /I know your answer /you only want /to save your own skin
Hey--I'm Greek/
I saw the Trojan War's ending--
I was a Troy/Trojan Princess--
Apollo wanted to kiss me--
near Athena's altar When I said NO

Cassandra asks dimwits--"Who will plant the rice, who will drive the buses and planes and boats--

who will teach
who will marry and have bebies
and bring them up?
who will go to market
who willbe doctors
food vendors
is everyone conscrupted
by junta?

Arakan Army says--+ scroll down--000 line up for Thai visas--+ Wolfgang Trost died--
Magwe destruction wrought by junta. From Irrawaddy. 2-17-2024

Friday, February 16, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Belated Valentine's Day post--Remembering Li Chuan--beautiful actor Godfrey Gao died in 2019 of workplace abuse while filming in Ningpo China--,vid:OCRxe65pTak,st:0
Standing Buddha Gandhara--from wikipedia S

Mario Lanza--I touch your hand and--,vid:y-B_oyqqzVc,st:0

Cassandra says--not only will there be a stampede for the borders, but there also will be bloodbaths there-

Feb 15, 2024

Junta troops returned by Bangladesh despite Geneva Conventions--
"I'll bleed you dry and you help us kill, rape, burn and bomb."
Overseas Employment Suspended as Myanmar Junta Activates Military Conscription

I won Honorable Mention for my poem--I come from--(dried chillies and dust)

Poem was written originally for Dance Studio--Still Crossing project.
It will appear in journal founded by Walt Whitman--Poet Lore--oldest in USA. Awards ceremony in March.
Awards ceremony in March.
Painting--soap bubbles wikipedia

Myanmar--Forced conscription causing widespread panic--

Those who jumped the fence and took money, bribes, land, car import licenses from junta are very quiet now

Graphic content--warning--beheaded Resistance Fighter most images from Irra. Thibaw and Supaya Lat being taken away. ">

Saturday, February 10, 2024

People who took money, bribes, posts, car import licenses from junta are awefully quiet now--see if you can identify these.

People should write more about her.

A Letter from Prison-Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to her son--Kim Aris

Reuters--Myanmar junta enforces mandatory militray service for young people

Juan Diego Florez--Nessun Dorma--None shall sleep--,vid:J57iQ_gPly0,st:0

2 excellent interviews of Sean Turnell--An Unlikely Prisoner.

Sean Turnell says he 'could never hate Myanmar' despite spending 650 days in prison there | 7.30

Footprints of Chandragupta Maurya on mountaintop where he commited ritual suicide by starving himself to death.

Chandragupta Maurya Empire--300 BC

Oil and gas pipeline Myanmar--from US Institute of Peace via Irrawaddy Magazine--

I am dealing with some health related issues that require more attention--

as a result I won't be blogging much.
Check the usual links such as Al Jazeera English (Myanmar)
and Myanmar Now
and AFP for Burma news.
make it your daily routine.

Easiest cable crochet pattern--

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Don't think because you are Burman you fell from the sky--
fully formed
A lot of our art, words, concepts
came from India. Kyi May Kaung 2-7-2024

Ravanna--British Museum + Rashasa-(Bilu)--Indian Art

Resistance fighters who have lost limbs and suffered serious injuries--
Do what you can to help.
So young--

India tells Myan--"Fly your own troops back,"

Mahabharata--English subtitles--these are very rare--don't treat them lightly--

From Irrawaddy Feb 7, 2024--junta forming new militias--etc--China

Brutal and Medieval--warning graphic

Burning Alive in Myanmar: Two Resistance Fighters Executed in Public

Neil Diamond website

Judy Collins--Send in the Clowns,vid:8L6KGuTr9TI,st:0

Neil Diamond--Linda Press--You don't bring me flowers anymore.,vid:sHLkPVFsTRg,st:0

Leonard Cohen--Hallelujah--

Un-Valentine Day's special--the genius of Mozart--un aura amorosa--

Friday, February 02, 2024

By any indicator--Burma worst regime in world + journalists, publisher, medics, people who posted on Facebook arrested
People shld just stay off FB.

Htin Aung-History of Burma 1967--pdf
Odd "history" with no footnotes or end notes--
recognizable sentences lifted from British historians--
as if he did all the research and translations himself.
Maybe this is the book that got Dr Htin Aung back in NW's good books, allowing him to return to Burma.
Disappointing, trivial and superficial.
More like an oral history slammed together fast.
Very disappointing.
These 2 Burmese men, Dr Htin Aung and Dr HlaPe (linguist) (married to my aunt, my mother the super matchmaker) said the silliest things
which even I, then age 10 or 11--thought horrible
such as Dr HP saying, in an academic talk--
"Kemmendine"--based on Burmese Kyii Myin Tain--"The (flag)pole you see if you look"
is based on English "Come and Dine."
What kind of bullshit "scholarship" is that?
Htin Aung wasn't writing fiction or fantasy and HP was not a stand up comic.
I despise these inflated Burmese men.
One time the 12 year old son of my friend waited with me under the porch of my building while his mother went and parked her car.
Kid asked me "What's your job?"
I longed to say, "Poking holes in wind bags,"
but I did not say anything.

Hundreds of Burmese anti-junta protestors rally in Bangkok--

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.