Sunday, August 04, 2024

Warning--graphic--the remains of Hugh Despenser--from wiki-

What may be the remains of Despenser were identified in February 2008 in the village of Abbey Hulton in Staffordshire, the former site of Hulton Abbey. The skeleton, which was first uncovered during archaeological work in the 1970s, appeared to be that of a victim of a drawing and quartering as it had been beheaded and chopped into several pieces with a sharp blade, suggesting a ritual killing. Furthermore, it lacked several body parts, including the ones given to Despenser's wife. Radiocarbon analysis dated the body to between 1050 and 1385, and later tests suggested it to be that of a man over 34 years old; Despenser was 39 at the time of his execution. In addition, the abbey is located on lands that belonged to Hugh de Audley, Despenser's brother-in-law, at the time.[19] Legacy

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online