Thursday, October 24, 2024

Quotes from my Burman, Chin and Karen friends--

UZB washed dishes as a graduate student.
Finally, he saved enough money to go home to visit.
Unfortunately, it was in 1988.
Clampdown on mass pro-democracy demonstrations, 18th Sept 1988.
UZB had to come back--after ? # of days.
My friend's son SD went to meet him at Newark International Airport.
SD told me as he met me at Princeton Junction.
He said "UZB came fuming off the plane--
He said, "It's worth it being NW.
"He only has to die once."
You wonder why
1.people get onto leaky boats and go out into the high seas
2. why they walk through the jungles to other countries
3. why they take up homemade muskets and fight back.
Here is your answer.
Take it or leave it.
It's not nuclear physics.
The most despicable are those who deny deny deny
While the foot soldiers and the conscripts and the refugees and the bombed out die
die die die.
By the thousands.
My friend Taw Myo Myint, dressed in royal mourning white
she was a descendant of Thibaw, the last king of Burma's elder sister --Pakhangyi Supaya.
"I will work for Aung San Suu Kyi as long as I live."
She said this 3 times.
She died a few days later.
Rest in Protest.
It is now 20 years since she passed away.
Image from wiki--Buddha's First Sermon in the Deer Park, Sarnath. Sculpture in Tibet.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online