Saturday, December 21, 2024

Tongue twisting language--

AI Overview Here are some Welsh terms of endearment: Cariad: A popular term of endearment that means "love" or "darling". It can be used in many contexts, including romantic and familial. Fy nghariad: Translates to "my love". Anwyl: Means "dear". For example, "Helô, fy annwyl" means "Hello, my dear". Fy nghalon: Means "my heart". For example, "Fy nghalon, dw i'n dy garu di" means "My heart, I love you". Buwch goch gota: A term of endearment for children that literally translates to "a little red cow" but is more commonly used to mean "ladybird".
Another Welsh word that has multiple meanings is "cwtch", which can mean "cuddle" or "embrace", but can also mean "love", "warmth", or "affection". It can also refer to a safe place to store th

Hulegu Khan--