Sunday, May 04, 2008

Cyclone Nargis -- call from Sophie Lwin --

On Wednesday night NASA predicted that Typhoon Nargis would hit Burma, yet the regime did nothing. When the Typhoon hit Burma late on Friday night, winds up to 190km/h battered houses, 20,000 houses have been destroyed, the regime admits that 351 people have died, the death toll seems to rise by the hour.

It is criminal that the regime didn't warn the people that the typhoon was coming, however if the regime doesn't react quickly their is a serious risk of disease sweeping through the affected areas. Thousands of people could die. It is critical that the regime asks for international assistance immediately. The UN has offered to help and the regime must accept. Hundred's of thousands of people are affected. The Red Cross accepted donation from Japan (about US $20,000) and this is a fact... the state premier made the red cross return it.

We must do all we can to get the It is vital that we do all we can to get photos and videos out of the country, DVB and other networks are doing all the can to get images out. Please get in touch with anyone you were in touch with during the September uprising and let them know that if they get any images they can email me directly at and I will make sure, using Burma Global Action Network's wide range of networks, that the images are available to Burma groups around the world, global media and news agencies. Any images that we can credit will be widely used, but the media won't wait around, we have to give them photos as soon as we can.

We have to act fast on this, the next 48 hours are critical.

Please, please, please spread the word and email me anything you find.

I am not going to be sleeping much at all over the next 48 hours, right now their (sic) are people in Burma struggling to save their homes and find food and the regime is in total disarray. They need us.

Sophie Lwin
Burma Global Action Network (BGAN)

Stevie Wonder--wiki