Monday, May 12, 2008

Open letter to BBC Burmese Service etc to "stop insulting invited guests."

Sent by Aung Moe Win --

unofficial translation:

"You invited Dr. Khin Saw Win (once Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's personal physician and a well known dissident) and then you cut her off, saying you were out of time. If you were out of time, why do you bother at all?

"For you to know, she is a medical doctor. -- The Saturday round table is like an interrogation, like SPDC (the Burmese junta) interrogating the accused or the defendant. (We have) to endure the junta violating us in one way and the Burmese language media (overseas) in another. Before you learned to be a journalist, you learned to insult people. I don't know why you all are suffering from inflated egos. Please reduce this offensive behavior."

American Lung Association--Hantavirus symptoms.