Sunday, May 04, 2008

Cyclone Nargis --most recent news I could find -- (one hour ago)

I could not cut and past the "inside news" in Burmese -- but it said that

"All of Rangoon is upside down . . . corrugated iron roof sheets are running/drifting on the roads, Kamayut, Hlaing, Myenigone, Shwegonedine, (among hard hit), University Avenue, Sanchaung, pretty bad . . . small huts in Hlaing Tha Yar all gone, children are pitiful. . . .

Could not get GSM or line phones. No TV or radio (Myanmar Ah Than -- government run radio)

no line buses running . . . no Internet at all (cannot even think of an alternate server?)

rumors of another storm."

This came via NLD (Liberated Areas) in Korea.

American Lung Association--Hantavirus symptoms.