Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My new love--Google Books--here is VC Scott O'Connor's Mandalay and Other Cities--494 pages--

Send me some Burmese foods or Burmese woven textiles as a thank you gift.

Wow--sighting of VC Scott O'Connor

Vincent Clarence Scott O'Connor, who had a career in the Indian Civil Service, travelled extensively in the Cyclades in 1929: in his book Isles of the Aegean (published by Hutchinson) he described his meetings with families of Venetian descent living on Santorino:
I was looking for Santorino as a surname for a character I am creating.
It's an island.
VC Scott O'Connor wrote--

Greg Constantine's masterpiece--Ek Khaale--Rohingya Visual History--

This is a complete visual history of the Rohingya in Burma from the 18th century onwards.
It's heart-breaking, the planned annihilation of a complete people and civilization--not unlike the genocide against the Native-Americans or the holocaust against the European Jews.
Greg Constantine did a presentation at the Holocaust Museum in DC. but I was not able to go. My health problems were increasing.
This website is
1. visual, documentary evidence that U Nu's government made them full citizens of newly independent Burma.
. It is like at least a well-researched MA thesis, more probably a Ph.D. dissertation.
3. Constantine should receive an honorary doctorate.
4.I don't think the Mathieson review is quite fair--look at what he did do, not at what he has not done (covered Muslim women's lives.)
5. If ever an independent state for the Rohingya is created, like Isreal (not likely)--this could be evidence in a court case like Nuremberg.
It feels like I felt when I visited Auschwitz and Majdanek in Poland in 1968-69.
6. I don't know who has the original documents--maybe Constantine only took pictures.
One of the most moving images is a video of a hand sifting through burned documents.
I wish Constantine brought those out of Arakan with him and they are in his safe deposit box.
Lastly, I think we should apprecaite what one individual can do, probably on a shoe-string budget.
Thank you.
Kyi May Kaung

From Irrawaddy--China preparing to welcome m a h--

Most likely the Russian and Chinese goats' balls will have his chain yanked severely.
I don't know about m a h--who seems to have more assets in Moscow--but previous guy Than Shwe is rumored to have a lot of property in Shanghai--his infamous Daughter of the Diamonds and her husband managing those properties.
Stay tuned.
Maybe China's plan is to make it another Tibet.
So very sad for the Burmese people.

My Rohingya Activists' Handbook --+ other publications --

Muslims were in Burma since the 11th century so all the junta propaganda that they are "Bengali" and came in from "Bengal" is hogwash.
The borders were drawn through them.
Their language is not the same as Bengali.

Myanmar junta allied Border Guard Force--falls in rare earth mining hub--


Important post--David Scott Mathieson's review of Greg Constantine Project Ek Khaale--

Ek Khaale (Once Upon A Time) by Greg Constantine Visual Restoration Project/Multimedia Project, 2024 [www.ekkhaale.org]
Image from Saachi Online Art Gallery.

Irrawaddy cartoon--building a modern and developed myanmar.

US Exchange Programs--mine was a Fulbright and I had a full scholarship for 7 years till 1988. I and only 5 others were selected after a battery of subject matter and health tests. Make sure your English is good.


Myanmar US Embassy--Education/Culture


Might be useful for you or someone you know--keep in your files and Little Red Book. I don't know if they are still operational--check first.

AI Overview Learn more…
The U.S. Embassy in Burma offers a variety of cultural and educational programs, including: A
merican Center Yangon: Offers English language courses, a library, and special events
Jefferson Center Mandalay: Offers English language courses, civic education programs, and youth clubs
Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Scholars: A scholarship program with an application deadline of October 18, 2024
ducationUSA: Offers free advising services for students interested in studying in the United States
The Cultural Affairs Unit of the U.S. Embassy in Burma can be contacted at 01-7536509/ 01-7505113 Ext: 4377/4597, or by email at RangoonUSECA@state.gov.

Worldwide US travel advisory--including Burma/Myanmar


Monday, October 14, 2024

Excerpt fromNIH report below--(Nixon visited China--Deng Reforms 1978)

The late 1970s were pivotal years for the history of modern China. The Cultural Revolution had encouraged attacks on Chinese experts and centres of research and learning, with few institutions (primarily military research ones) emerging unscathed. A period of stasis ended with the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, followed by the high-level strife of the Gang of Four, and finally the consolidation of power under Deng Xiaoping. From the West's perspective, one visible sign of change was the new policies directed outwards from China to acquire foreign knowledge to assist in the four modernizations, the drive from 1978 to force progress in the areas of agriculture, industry, national defence, and science and technology. Re-established and new links with Western institutions enabled many thousands of Chinese scientists to travel and learn abroad. In combination with reform of the internal Chinese science system in the mid 1980s, this has led to a present situation in which, as a Royal Society report of 2011 predicted, China's buoyant research sector can compete with that in the USA, at least in terms of numbers of scientific papers published.1

1970s as springtime for science in China--NIH report


Joan Robinson came to Burma--I was too junior to talk to her--but my professor did.

AI Overview
Learn more…
In the 1970s, the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU) was a group of British supporters of China that included the sinologist Joseph Needham and the economist Joan Robinson. The SACU was formed after many on the left in Britain became disillusioned with China after 1964.
The 1970s were a pivotal time in modern China's history, as the Cultural Revolution upended traditional Chinese values. The Cultural Revolution also led to attacks on Chinese experts.

American Russia experts--list


Edgar Snow--I read Red Star over China in Burma--



AI Overview Learn more… A cultural attaché is a diplomat who promotes cultural relations and understanding between their home country and the country they are stationed in. Their responsibilities can vary depending on the country they represent. Some of their duties include: Promoting cultural values Cultural attachés promote their country's cultural values and achievements in the host country. Improving appreciation of the host country Cultural attachés work to improve appreciation of the host country's values in their home country. Establishing ties Cultural attachés build and maintain ties with people who are involved in intellectual activity in the host country. Facilitating cultural exchange
Cultural attachés may facilitate cultural exchange by connecting people from their home country with the local community.
Historically, cultural attachés were often writers and artists who were able to develop their own creative work while promoting their country's culture.
Cultural attaché - Wikipedia
cultural attaché is a diplomat with varying responsibilities, depending on the sending state of the attaché. Historically, such ...
ultural Attaché Program | Grinnell College
The Cultural Attaché Program helps connect international Grinnellians with the local Grinnell community through its local schools ...
Grinnell College
Cultural Attache: Scholar, Propagandist, or Bureaucrat?
Cultural Attache: Scholar, Propagandist, or Bureaucrat? 353. kind of people who are serving as their country's cultural repre sent...
Duke University Press
how all
Generative AI is experimental.

best beloved=最亲爱的 Zuì qīn'ài de

Hero of my current novel is not Chinese --but stationed in China--British Cultural attache--

Chinese terms of endearment--

AI Overview
Learn more…
The Chinese word for "beloved" is 心爱的 (xīn'ài de) as an adjective, and 心爱的人
(xīn'ài de rén) as a noun.
Here are some other terms of endearment in Chinese:
心肝 (xīngān): Literally means "heart and liver", but is similar to "my heart and soul" in English. It's used to express that you can't live without someone.
心尖 (Xīnjiān): Means "heart's peak" or "dearest".
宝贝儿 (Bǎobèi er): Means "baby" or "darling".
甜心宝贝 (Tiánxīn bǎobèi): Means "sweetheart baby" or "sweetheart treasure".

Chinese boys' names beginning with D--


Very cute--Chinese boys' first names--


Chinese name Fang--meaning--

The name Fang, derived from Chinese origins, has a rich history spanning centuries. In Chinese culture, Fang carries two distinct meanings, namely fragrance and a canine tooth. These diverse interpretations reflect the multifaceted nature of the name and offer insight into its historical significance.
Fang : Meaning and Origin of First Name - Ancestry

Chris Patten--Last British Governor of Hong Kong--

Christopher Francis Patten, Baron Patten of Barnes, KG, CH, PC (Chinese: 彭定康; born 12 May 1944), is a British politician who was the 28th and last Governor of Hong Kong from 1992 to 1997 and Chairman of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1992.
Chris Patten - Wikipedia

Qin Empire--ep 21 land reforms


Qin Empire TV series --wiki


Sahara flooded for first time in decades--


I'm sick and tired of people who don't want to hear Burma news, or any news. Maybe just overwhelmed by personal problems. But in long run, not knowing, not thinking is worse than knowing and acting--

It's up to you, to read and inform yourselves--don't blame me if you are hit by a bomb or something else while meditating.

Irrawaddy--today--Pinlebu victory for Resistance--Hsipaw etc


famous translators from Russian

AI Overview
Learn more…
Some famous translators of Russian novels include: C
onstance Garnett
A pioneer in Russian translation, Garnett's work introduced many readers to the characters of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Chekhov. Her translations are still reprinted today, though some critics have called them outdated.
Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky T
his couple are known for their collaborative translations of Russian literature,
including Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. They
have won multiple awards for their work, including the PEN/Book-of-the-Month Club
Translation Prize.
Frederick Whishaw
The first translator of Dostoevsky into English, Whishaw completed his translation of Crime and Punishment in 1911.
Other translators of Russian novels include: Moura Budberg, Vera Traill, Evelyn Manning, and Margaret Wettlin.

Junta preparing to take back Lashio


Writing prompt for my next chapter--The morning of 7th July was bright and cheerful, in Rangoon, 1962.

Nway and her sister Yway did nothing much until it came time to go to their French class at Alliance Francaise next door to the Indian Embassy on Prome Road, which itself was next door to Aunty Anouk and Uncle Shawn's house.
On Adam's part, he was caught up in the excitement generated by Ba Swe Lay's anger and outrage against the junta authoities who were making things hard for the university hostel students.
Ba Swe Lay was head of the Rangoon University Students' Union.
How are we going to eat? He asked of the curfew. The vendors are not allowed to come in--
Hunger was making them angrier.
Copyright K.M.Kaung

Haruki Murakami's books--I couldn't possibly read them all--but I like some of his short stories--and the non-fiction

about the subway poison gas attack--based on dozens of interviews he did.
In a speculative fiction group I attended for awhile, another woman compared my writing to Murakami.
I think you need to be strange, to write well.
Better go take a shower.

I prefer this one--Kitchen--by Banana Yoshimoto--

It has a sparkling, bright quality.
And I've never met anyone named "Banana" before.
Generally I like reading about Asians, rather than "white people."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Lily King--Writers and Lovers--working in a resturant near Harvard Yard--Nice writing--


Flow painting tutorial--


Bon Appetit--magazine


Alan Lichtman says Harris will win--

I met this guy at a Village talk about 3? elections ago--he's aged a lot, as has Katie Couric.
But don't be complacent about these things.
I've already sent in my absentee ballot.
Trump must not win.
Whichever country you are a citizen of, vote if you can, if not DO SOMETHING and/or support those who do.
The worst thing you can do is sink into your religion, whatever your religion is.

What is Coachella--




Prominant protest leaders arrested in Thaketa (Yangon)


Persepolis, Persia--in present-day Iran.


Thais (a courtesan) and Persepolis--which Alexander the Great burned.


Han Kang--Human Acts


Han Kang--The White Book--


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Qin Empire--ep 20--Reforms --a mass execution.


The Atlantic--The Moment of Truth--


The Guardian on Nobel Laureate Han Kang


What they are wearing--Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce--they shld just get married.


Burmese-Americans demonstrate in front of Chinese embassy DC + Washington Post-junta uses drones

No one informed me so I did not know about it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/10/12/myanmar-civil-war-drones/ end

AI generated answers--Women's health--

AI Overview
Learn more…
While technically possible, it is extremely unlikely for a 55-year-old woman to become pregnant and have a healthy baby naturally after taking HRT, as menopause usually occurs around this age, meaning ovulation and fertility are significantly diminished; if pregnancy does occur, it would likely require assisted reproductive technology (ART) like IVF using donor eggs, and would come with high risks due to advanced maternal age.
Key points to remember:
HRT does not act as contraception:
Even while on HRT, a woman can still potentially become pregnant, so contraception is still advised if pregnancy is not desired.
Fertility decline with age:
At 55, a woman's natural fertility is very low due to declining egg quality and quantity. Donor eggs for IVF: If a woman wants to conceive after menopause, she would typically need to use donor eggs through IVF.
Increased risks with advanced maternal age: Pregnancy at an advanced age comes with increased risks of complications like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and chromosomal abnormalities.
Important next steps:
Consult a healthcare professional:
If you are considering pregnancy at 55, have a thorough discussion with your doctor to assess your individual health and risks involved.
Discuss fertility options:
If you want to pursue pregnancy, a fertility specialist can advise on the most appropriate options like IVF with donor eggs.
Can a person get pregnant while taking HRT? Nov 7, 2023 — Summary. It is possible to become pregnant while taking HRT because it does not affect fertility and does not work as a...
Advanced maternal age: ethical and medical considerations for ... Aug 16, 2017 — Non-donor oocyte studies ... To minimize maternal health risks, thorough evaluation of maternal health should be evalu...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) Can You Get Pregnant After Menopause? - Healthline If it's been an entire year since your last period, you've reached menopause. For most women, this occurs somewhere between the ag... Healthline
Show all
This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. Generative AI is experimental.

Sad--Hurricane Helene--11 members of same family die in mudslide--RIP

Van Gogh--flowers in a jug.

Wonderful news--S. Korean novelist Han Kang wins Nobel Prize in Literature

and she's a woman writing
in a man's voice. I've actually read the first part of this novel before, but this Google Books review is longer--
It's very gripping and well-written, though it's a literary novel--not a genre romance, thriller or mystery.
A woman who suddenly becomes a vegetarian.
It's quite unforgettable--like the beginning of Mo Yan's Red Sorghum.
have to read the whole as soon as I get myself a reasonably-priced used copy.

Friday, October 11, 2024

If you keep bombing them and spoiling the environment, floods happen, farm animals die, farmers and workers die and flee--where will your rice come from. Try and eat a tank or bullets.

Beheaded human being--Burma--Sagaing--from Irrawaddy
Sorry to have to post this--but it's real news, not fake.

Mao's Great Leap Forward which fell flat on its face--15-55m died--


Qin Empire--ep 17--reforms--more like Deng Xiaoping's reforms of 1978 which reversed Mao's policies.


Lasting health negative impact of Hurricane Milton--warnings--boil water--try and follow in Myanmar etc floods, this will be difficult with fuel shortages--


Guillermo del Toro--


James Cameron wiki--a wonderful life, starting as truck driver and writer--well--continuing writing.

5 wives, 4 children
philanthropist--writes (mostly) directs and produces his own movies
New Zealand citizen.
explorer-including Nat Geo Explorer in Residence--
I previously just met photographer Reza, who like Orpheus and his harp,permanently holds his camera in his hand.
Don't confuse James Cameron with Cameron McKintosh. 10-11-2024

From Titanic movie wiki--copied and pasted.

The story could not have been written better had it been fiction ...The juxtaposition of rich and poor, the gender roles played out unto death (women first), the stoicism and nobility of a bygone age, the magnificence of the great ship matched in scale only by the folly of the men who drove her hell-bent through the darkness. And above all the lesson: that life is uncertain, the future unknowable ... the unthinkable possible. —James Cameron[53][54]
James Cameron has long had a fascination with shipwrecks, and for him Titanic was "the Mount Everest of shipwrecks".[55][56][57] He was almost past the point in his life when he felt he could consider an undersea expedition, but said he still had "a mental restlessness" to live the life he had turned away from when he switched from the sciences to the arts in college. When an IMAX film, Titanica, was made from footage shot of the Titanic wreck, Cameron decided to seek Hollywood funding for his own expedition. It was "not because I particularly wanted to make the movie," Cameron said. "I wanted to dive to the shipwreck."[55]
Cameron wrote a scriptment for a Titanic film,[58] met with 20th Century Fox executives including Peter Chernin, and pitched it as "Romeo and Juliet on the Titanic".[56][57] Cameron said the executives were unconvinced of the commercial potential, and had instead hoped for action scenes similar to his previous films.[13] They approved the project as they hoped for a long-term relationship with Cameron.[13][14][24]
Cameron convinced 20th Century Fox to promote the film based on the publicity afforded by shooting the Titanic wreck,[58] and organized several dives over a period of two years.[53] He also convinced 20th Century Fox that shooting the real wreck for the film scenes, instead of simulating it with special effects, would provide value: "We can either do [the shots] with elaborate models and motion control shots and CG and all that, which will cost X amount of money – or we can spend X plus 30 per cent and actually go shoot it at the real wreck."[56]
The crew shot at the wreck in the Atlantic Ocean 12 times in 1995. The work was risky, as the water pressure could kill the crew if there were a tiny flaw in the submersible structure.[14]

Titanic wikipedia--


Lusitania Resource Website


In my opinion it is already a proxy war of words, and a proxy war with Russian and Chinese weapons.

I was just reading Eric Larsen's Dead Wake: Last Crossing of the Lusitania. Less well-known than the Titanic, the luxury liner Lusitania was sunk by a German U-Boat--in 2015 and drew the USA into World War I.

Anthony Blinkin will be at ASEAN--today.

Toothless, fangless ASEAN.

In June 2023, following a visit to the country and meeting with junta chief Min Aung Hlaing, former Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai also hosted an informal ministerial meeting with some regional countries in an attempt “to fully re-engage” with the Myanmar junta’s generals.
But the meeting was shunned by then-ASEAN chair Indonesia as well as members Singapore and Malaysia.
n Thursday, Southeast Asian leaders dismissed the Myanmar junta’s plan to end the country’s civil war as “substantially inadequate”, according to a draft summit statement quoted by AFP.
The junta agreed on the five-point plan with ASEAN weeks after seizing power in February 2021 but then pushed ahead with a bloody crackdown on dissent. ASEAN has led so far fruitless diplomatic efforts to end the conflict.

MNDAA bans members from international talks.

As Jack Healey, who pioneered concerts at Amnesty International once said, "Dissidents (or resistance) often end up aping the behavior of the entity they are fighting."
At an event in c. 2000 he said of the junta "like the IRA does, they should have their knee caps broken."

Asean and Myanmar--


Sagaing and other bombed places.

Sagaing needlepoint--Kaung.

Qin Empire TV drama--Qin Shi Huangdi asks for suggestions--ep 16.

This is the "good governance" my former colleagues in the Burmese democracy movement overseas were eternally yapping about ad infinitum--the "closest colleague" jumped the fence from being an advisor to PM in Exile, Dr. Sein Win (NCGUB) to "advising" "baldy Thein Sein" of the so-called transition period.
May I remind you, this is historical fiction.
Nevertheless, like all good fiction, it stirs up issues.
Deng Xioping's reforms post-1978 succeeded so spectacularly because he gave farmers usufructs to use land for 99 years--a usufruct is the right to use, but if it's 99 years it's as good as ownership.
The so-called transition period in Burma about 2010 to the 2021 coup was notorious for land grabs.
I remember chatting about this with Moethee Zun, renowned 1988 student leader, now in America.
My maternal grandparents' rice lands were all confiscated and redistributed by the democratically-elected government of then PM U Nu.
My mother said she had these certificates for quite a while, but then destroyed them.
They never got compensation.
Please don't get confused by "one shot" "cures" and theories such as "resource curse" etc.
So we should blame "natural resources" not the people who exploit them?
Give me a break.
I hate this non-profit doublespeak.

Qin Empire--TV drama--episodes 13, 14, 15 Qin state is poor and needs to recruit scholars--

This is about China's first emperor Qin Xi Huangdi--who built the Great Wall.
Look up on wiki by yourself please.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Ethel Kennedy has died--Rest in Protest.

Mozart--Kyrie Alieson--Kathleen Battle, Herbert von Karajan
kyrie alison kathleen battle herbert von karajan - Google Search
kyrie alison kathleen battle herbert von karajan

Flash mob in Leeds--Ravel's Bolero--note how the instruments come in one by one.


Panis Angelicus--


DW reports--from Cox's Bazaar, ASEAN in Laos--meet Ms Lena Alexandra

Kaing Eav Duch--imfamous head of Tual Song Prison--Cambodia My 2 cents--Vietnam intervened militarily in Cambodia, ousting Pol Pot. Well, Burma is a bit far away for them. kg
Stairway to Preah Ang Thom, Kulen Mountains, Cambodia 10-10-2024
Irrawaddy--concern over Aung San Suu Kyi and others still imprisoned--so-called census--fishy Qs
Analysis | Fears Grow for Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi After Another Jailed NLD Leader Dies
https://www.irrawaddy.com/opinion/analysis/fears-grow-for-myanmars-aung-san-suu-kyi-after-another-jailed-nld-leader-dies.html <

I'm not a fan of RFA--though I am a fan of Abuza and all in the Resistance--I don't know what report below does other than show faces, which could be dangerous for the people involved. I rest my case.

RFA "report"--voice too soft, not emphatic enough--no fact checking.

there are 135 officially recognized ethnic groups (excluding the Rohingya) in Burma--not 7!
The government officially recognizes 135 indigenous ethnic groups in Myanmar, grouped into eight national races: Burman, Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan. BBC News: Who
Are Burma's Minority Groups?Sep 23, 2021
Population, Ethnic Groups, and Languages - Myanmar
Northwestern Law Library
https://library.law.northwestern.edu › myanmar › popula...
Myanmar - Google Search
RFA Mynamar youtube - Google Search

Willie Nelson and Julio Iglesias--To all the girls I've loved before--


Hurricane Milton--CNN--graphic.

If you think it's glamorous being a newscaster, think again.

Thomas Kuhn and Paradigm Shift "Para--dime"


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Dylan Thomas--Do not go gentle into that dark night--


Las Vegas casino imploded.


Alvin Ailey Dance Theater--I've seen them live--remember Wade in the Water.


George Faison choreographs--


Maurice Mouzon in Peter Pan--


Euro News website


Basquait and Banksy at the Hirshhorn--


Fiber--mixed media art Suchitra Mattai


A Final Farewell--the NLD's Dr Zaw Myint Maung--


Gunter Grass' poem--Do Something, Do Something.


The First Political Scientist--

AI Overview
Learn more…
Chanakya served as a chief advisor and counselor to King Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Mauryan Empire in ancient India; he played a key role in helping Chandragupta rise to power and establish the empire.
Key points about Chanakya:
He acted as a prime minister and political strategist, providing guidance on governance and military strategy.
Famous text:
Chanakya is credited with writing the "Arthashastra," a treatise on statecraft and political economy that is considered one of the most influential texts in Indian history.
Impact on the Mauryan Empire:
His counsel is largely credited with helping Chandragupta overthrow the Nanda dynasty and establish a strong centralized government.

A political scientist's--me/mine--dream TV series--Qin Empire-

This episode includes political debates.
Clearly this is historical fiction-
Beautifully done--
All fiction is writing an alternative story.
This one has Qin emperor with experts --debating role of the state.
It reminds me of The Federalist--which says the state should have its legs broken to be less powerful, and Robert Bolt's play--A Man for all Seasons, based on the life of Sir Thomas More--who was executed.
At one point More says "But if there were no law's--how the winds would blow"
Something like that.
Robert Bolt was a school teacher.
The only comparable TV series are George Washington from the 1980s and the recent Indian series on Chandragupta Maurya. Kyi May Kaung 10-9-2024

My new love--Google Books--here is VC Scott O'Connor's Mandalay and Other Cities--494 pages--

https://www.google.com/books/edition/Mandalay_and_Other_Cities_of_the_Past_in/A5tEAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0 Send me some Burmese foods or ...