From Khitpyaing (New Era) Journal based in Bkk.
This video documentary/commentary soberly moves back and forth between footage of recent notorious gala wedding of Gen. Than Shwe's daughter -- "Ph.D. candidate, Shanghai Univ." and conditions in Burma.
Rare footage includes:
Shots -- also gunshots and wounds -- from 1988 -- some first aired on Nightline with Ted Koppel.
An aged Gen. Ne Win saying, "When an army shoots, it doesn't shoot in the air. It shoots to kill."
-- in roughly serial order -- sales of Burma's natural resources, including jade, pearls and gemstones, teak,
-- the gap between rich and poor
-- the plight of women
-- rape as a weapon of war
--an army officer expounding on high yield paddy (rice) and the rice production targets (note someone moves silently and deliberately out of the camera's field of vision)
--the importance of food --
(the crowds lined up for food -- the little boy who spilled his rice --
are being fed in a SattuDeeThar -- a special charity where all comers are fed.)
On a personal note:
To: D.S. who wrote my part on the Burma sanctions debate in Foreign Policy In Focus was
"poignant and personalized,"
the anonymous commentator who said my use of a video documentary as evidence was "ludicrous" and D.B.V. -- who vociferously defended his website as non-political,
pl. consider this my reply.
Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online