Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Excellent 30 min video documentary/commentary on Burma (1962-2007) -- Highly recommended

From Khitpyaing (New Era) Journal based in Bkk.

This video documentary/commentary soberly moves back and forth between footage of recent notorious gala wedding of Gen. Than Shwe's daughter -- "Ph.D. candidate, Shanghai Univ." and conditions in Burma.

Rare footage includes:

Shots -- also gunshots and wounds -- from 1988 -- some first aired on Nightline with Ted Koppel.

An aged Gen. Ne Win saying, "When an army shoots, it doesn't shoot in the air. It shoots to kill."

-- in roughly serial order -- sales of Burma's natural resources, including jade, pearls and gemstones, teak,

-- the gap between rich and poor

-- the plight of women

-- rape as a weapon of war

--an army officer expounding on high yield paddy (rice) and the rice production targets (note someone moves silently and deliberately out of the camera's field of vision)

--the importance of food --

(the crowds lined up for food -- the little boy who spilled his rice --

are being fed in a SattuDeeThar -- a special charity where all comers are fed.)

On a personal note:

To: D.S. who wrote my part on the Burma sanctions debate in Foreign Policy In Focus was
"poignant and personalized,"
the anonymous commentator who said my use of a video documentary as evidence was "ludicrous" and D.B.V. -- who vociferously defended his website as non-political,
pl. consider this my reply.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online