Kindness of strangers eases refugees' arrival in United States
Date: 18 Mar 2008 | UNHCR News Stories
PRINCETON, United States, March 18 (UNHCR) – The schedule for the week ahead
runs to five pages, with each day broken down into near hourly tasks
assigned to different volunteers. At the dining room table in a house in
Princeton, New Jersey, the creator of this plan of action runs through each
item with the couple at the centre of the activity.
Za Bik Thang, his wife Par Tha, and their three children arrived in
Princeton in mid-2007 from Malaysia, where they had lived as refugees for
several years after fleeing persecution in their native Myanmar. Tom Charles
and other members of the Nassau Presbyterian Church were on hand to meet the
family when they arrived in the United States and have been providing
support ever since.
"We were a little scared of coming to the US," recalls Za Bik from the
family's rented home, which was arranged for them by the Nassau
congregation. A pending move to an apartment in an affordable housing
complex closer to downtown will reduce the couple's commute to their jobs.
For now, Charles continues in his role as traffic controller, ensuring the
smooth movement of the five Thang family members to and from school, work,
English lessons, choir practice, dental appointments, chess club meetings
and church services.
"We have around one hundred volunteers from our church working in refugee
resettlement," says Charles. "A core group of between 15 and 20 are involved
in the day-to-day assistance, so the errands are spread around. Morning pick
ups to get Za Bik to work are done by the early risers, while getting the
kids home from school is done by people who have the afternoons free."
The Thangs are the eighth family the Nassau congregation has sponsored as
part of a programme that goes back nearly 25 years. Among those assisting
the family are individuals who a few years ago were on the receiving end of
the community's efforts. Dental care is provided by a former refugee from
Bosnia; the pool of drivers includes a Somalian refugee who arrived in
Princeton several years ago.
The church is one of many religious groups in the north-eastern state of New
Jersey involved in refugee resettlement. Referrals come from agencies such
as Lutheran Social Ministries, based in the New Jersey capital, Trenton.
The director of its immigration and refugee programme, Rev. Stacy Martin,
says voluntary groups can provide a level of attention which surpasses what
agencies dealing with hundreds of cases a year can offer. "The sponsors and
the refugee families can create genuine relationships that go well beyond
the 12 to 18 months we would typically be in contact with a family," she
Resettlement in the United States is largely handled by faith-based
organizations, which turn to their communities for volunteers when
additional assistance is needed. According to a US Department of Labour
survey published in 2007, more than one quarter of the population – around
60 million people – had volunteered for an organization in the previous 12
"Volunteers offer a distinctly personal touch that builds on the support
offered by local resettlement affiliates," says Ralston H. Deffenbaugh Jr.,
president of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a national
resettlement agency.
Even with assistance, establishing new lives in a foreign country is not
without challenges. Unable to speak English, the Thang children initially
found the classroom a frightening and lonely place. Everyday costs such as
rent, groceries and visits to the doctor can seem overwhelming. Here, too,
the Nassau congregation has stepped in, helping Za Bik to land a job at a
supermarket chain while Par Tha does alterations at an exclusive menswear
The couple have also been given financial planning advice. "When we first
arrived we couldn't do anything for ourselves. Today we can live our lives,
though we still rely on rides," says Za Bik, who has begun the process of
getting a driver's licence.
For the Nassau congregation a commitment that began nearly 12 months ago is
nearing its end, and it is apparent that not just the Thangs have
benefitted. For Charles, working with resettled refugees "has been one of
the great joys of my life." Former strangers are now friends, foreign
cultures are understood and accepted and the often abstract concept of
helping those less fortunate has taken the tangible form of an embrace.
By Tim Irwin
in Princeton, United States
Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
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