Friday, August 22, 2008

Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi refuses to see UN envoy Mr. Gambari, who seems to be pushing for a 2010 "election" --

In my opinion, there is no need to put Daw Suu and the NLD through another election --( a former American Ambassador to Burma said she is sure SPDC would cheat this time)-- when the results of the 1990 election, which Daw Suu's party won, has never been honored.

This is the junta's way. If the game does not go the way they want it to, they change the game and play a new game with new "rules."

Should she and her party be going through "new elections" over and over???

It's ridiculous, but even some young dissidents overseas have been sucked in, perhaps because they think the younger cohorts will have a better chance, but I hardly think the junta will let anyone but themselves win. To think otherwise would be naive in the extreme.

No wonder Daw Suu refuses to see an "envoy" who is no use.

During Cyclone Nargis the junta affectively hoodwinked the U.N.

Blog text Copyright Kyi May Kaung.

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