Friday, May 25, 2012

Burma situation heating up even though western media spin continues unabated-

VOA Burmese TV- go to their website in Burmese and click on the video icons, which have titles in English. - informal summary ASSK and NLD support 3rd day of candlelight vigil protesting electricity cuts. Workers have given 7 days after which if there is no change they will continue. Protesting textile workers continue strike. Average wage $40 a month. ASSK and Ying Luk Shinawatre will visit Mae La refugee camp in Thailand next month. Some steel factory workers start hunger strike on having their demands denied. Burmese army bulldozes farmers' fields, even though Thilawa Project is stalled and land unused for "development." ASSK and AK Sen among those awarded Dr. Of Humane Letters by Johns Hopkins. With all this going on, why is CNN's Paula Hancock's writing only about meditation centers? kmk
Looking at a pointilistic Picnic in the Park - Pointilism is when small points of paint are applied to create a shimmering effect. Art Institute of Chicago which allows photography for non-profit use. Photo - Kyi May Kaung

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online