Thursday, May 03, 2012

Time to say goodbye lyrics - translation

from - Time to say goodbye -- I'll go with you/ Sarah/ When I'm alone/ I dream of the horizon/ and words fail;/ yes, I know there is no light/ in a room where the sun is absent,/ if you are not here with me./ At the windows/ show everyone my heart/ which you set alight;/ enclose within me/ the light you/ encountered on the street./ Time to say goodbye. -- I'll go with you/ to countries I never/ saw and shared with you,/ now, yes, I shall experience them./ I'll go with you/ on ships across seas/ which, I know,/ no, no, exist no longer;/ it's time to say goodbye. -- with you I shall experience them./ Andrea When you are far away/ I dream of the horizon/ and words fail,/ and, yes, I know/ that you are with me;/ you, my moon, are here with me,/ my sun, you are here with me/ with me, with me, with me./ Time to say goodbye. -- I'll go with you/ to countries I never/ saw and shared with you,/ now, yes, I shall experience them./ I'll go with you/ on ships across seas/ which, I know,/ no, no, exist no longer,/ Both with you I shall experience them again./ I'll go with you/ on ships across seas/ which, I know,/ no, no, exist no longer,/ with you I shall experience them again./ I'll go with you./ You and me./ It is this translation that I will regard as the "official" one and use on the "all lyrics and translations" pages. David Parker suggested to change the word "exist" in the line no, no, exist no longer of the "chorus" into "stay" or "remain", which would give a different feel to that part of the song: no, no, stay no longer, is said when they are parting. I am not sure what to do: neither "exist" nor "stay" or "remain" is making complete sense to me. Since both the above translation and the one below have "exist" I will keep that word. Tim from the USA send me the translation of the song as it appears on the inlay to the "Time To Say Goodbye" single he has got. This translation is different at several places from the above one, and seems to be giving some things double. I changed a thing or two near the end to get the translation right for this version, and I added some interpuction. Time to say goodbye/ Sarah: When I'm alone I dream of the horizon and words fail me./ There is no light in a room where there is no sun/ and there is no sun if you're not here with me, with me./ From every window unfurls my heart the heart that you have won./ Into me you've poured the light,/ the light that you found by the side of the road./ Time to say goodbye./ Places that I've never seen or experienced with you./ Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas,/ seas that exist no more,/ it's time to say goodbye./ Andrea: When you're far away I dream of the horizon and words fail me./ And of course I know that you're with me, with me./ You, my moon, you are with me./ My sun, you're here with me with me, with me, with me./ Time to say goodbye./ Places that I've never seen or experienced with you./ Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas,/ seas that exist no more,/ Both: I'll revive them with you./ I'll go with you upon ships across the seas,/ seas that exist no more,/ I'll revive them with you./ I'll go with you./ You and me./

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online