The book is available on Amazon and in bookstores.
The Jonathan Yardley review - the link for it is already posted on this blog, or you can Google.
This blog is set up so I cannot correspond at length on comments.
Thank you for your understanding.
Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Quote of the day - from Toni Morrison
If there's a book you really want to read -- and it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.
Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Bishop Desmond Tutu's tribute to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi - written in 2009
She was only released Nov 13, 2010, a week after the junta had made sure it won the "election."
She was only released Nov 13, 2010, a week after the junta had made sure it won the "election."
Archbishop Desmond Tutu goes to Rangoon to see Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
Burmese TV Feb 26 broadcast - sorry, no translation, images speak louder.
Burmese TV Feb 26 broadcast - sorry, no translation, images speak louder.
So-called president Thein Sein greeted by big demonstration in Oslo -
Informal summary and translation:
Slogan - "We meet Thein Sein with shwe pan" -- shwe pan="gold flower"=male genitals.
Interview - "There are no human rights in Burma, there is no constitution. That's why we are demonstrating."
Man with the guitar - famous singer Mun Awng - "This is the same general who imprisoned democracy activists, now spouting 'democracy' and going around visiting."
Congrats Norway-based activists - you speak the Truth.
Informal summary and translation:
Slogan - "We meet Thein Sein with shwe pan" -- shwe pan="gold flower"=male genitals.
Interview - "There are no human rights in Burma, there is no constitution. That's why we are demonstrating."
Man with the guitar - famous singer Mun Awng - "This is the same general who imprisoned democracy activists, now spouting 'democracy' and going around visiting."
Congrats Norway-based activists - you speak the Truth.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
My Saatchi on line site -
Sorry, still a hub as I try to focus on my writing life - or my life.
Sorry, still a hub as I try to focus on my writing life - or my life.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Argo - story of a real life rescue, wins Oscar for best movie
Alina Cho interviews the real life former hostages. From CNN.
Alina Cho interviews the real life former hostages. From CNN.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
K.M.Kaung's Good Reads review of George Orwell's 1984
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
You must be kidding - George Orwell's 1984 is a classic and needs no review - you'll be pulled in from when the clock strikes 13.
It does not have a complicated or page turning plot, and you could say it's depressing, a doomsday scenario, but then, look at all he foresaw.
If like me you come from a totalitarian system, it is almost too painful to read or watch (the movie version, with Richard Burton).
Still, you should.
No one who is a thinking person and lives in this world, should go without reading 1984 and Animal Farm at least once in their lives.
Kyi May Kaung (K.M.Kaung)
View all my reviews
George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire may turn out to be 8 books instead of 7
Interesting interview of how complicated plot evolves.
George R.R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Cartoon: Impact of Kaladan Project in Arakan and Chin States, Burma.
By the famous Harn Lay. Cartoon from the Chinland Guardian --
Friday, February 22, 2013
ancient scripts - Brahmi to Pallava to Pyu to Burmese and other SE Asian languages
Endlessly fascinating./
I am convinced the "donation inscriptions" I saw at Banteay Serai near Angkor in Cambodia were a form of these. I can't get over it./
Stay tuned, I need time to find my Angkor pics./
My mini review of Charles Dickens' Little Dorrit - left on Amazon site
I did not find it long.
I learned a lot about Dickens and his social conscience from reading this. I also saw the Masterpiece Theatre TV series a few years ago, but what was lost there was Charles Dickens' incomparable authorial voice and his sense of humor.
The TV version did help me anticipate the plot somewhat, but Dickens can still kill people off in one paragraph, and it does not seem contrived.
The mental decline of the overly prestige-conscious Father of the Marshalsea debtors' prison and his ho-humming pronouncements was wonderfully done.
So much so that his final breakdown came as no surprise.
The speech patterns of the fat Flora, said to be modeled on Dickens' wife, and the dialogue involving others were also excellent.
I think the plot has been changed a bit in the TV version.
However, Little Dorrit is still one of the best works for anyone to read who wishes to paint on a large canvas and handle serious, societal issues.
I was able to relate to it more because as someone born in Burma with its Gulag of military-operated prisons and its prison of a country, I could relate to the Marshalsea more.
The audio version, judging from the sample, is also excellent.
People should read the classics more. They should not impose their 20th and 21st century values on the 19th century.
My mini review of Mark Bojanowski's The Dog Fighter -
I have read this several times, and I never fail to be moved./
To this day the story remains with me. The author has done a beautiful job of building up the reader's sympathy and empathy for the dog fighter, who in the end -- well - we can't have a spoiler here -- can we?/
It is masterly from the first sentence on./
I look forward to reading much more from Mark Bojanowski./
On Amazon site - /
I still remember when I presented the first sentence of this novel in class, and all the women jumped on me as being cruel to animals - I wonder how they would have reacted if Mark himself were there - of course he is not the protagonist of the novel either -/
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Dickens and his ten or eleven children
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
U Tube how to videos - henna skin painting, wet on wet watercolor etc -
I loved how to cook dhansak in Hindi/English the best.
S. African blade runner Pistorius murder case - judge denies bail -
Prosecutor says premeditated murder - CNN asks Marcia Clark - prosecutor in OJ Simpson case for her opinion. Marcia says not waking his partner in bed first was not credible./
Defense attorney that CNN asked (not Pistorius's actual defense lawyer) said it "might not have been in S. African culture to call 911 first" - instead of calling the gated community manager./ !!!!
Hope we don't see a repeat of OJ Simpson case -
Cover design for special issue of International Gallerie, on Burma - hard look.

Re-posting after one year - Potemkin Politics: Are Burmese reforms real by Kyi May Kaung
I am happy to have the last word, though sad that I am right about Burma yet again./
In the end, I get to say "I told you so," but the Burmese people suffer more under the regime, which is still the same old, same old military./
Where is the so-called reform. Nowhere./
K.M. Kaung
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Prince Jackson, Michael's son, makes debut as a reporter -
The children look beautiful and seem to be doing well.
Quote from Kanlaon's Blog - on Mo Yan by Ian Buruma
Two translations of Mo Yan, both by Howard Goldblatt: Sandalwood Death and Pow! The review is by Ian Buruma, who says of Mo Yan: “There is nothing mandarin, or even urbane, about Mo Yan’s work. He has retained the earthy character of rural Shandong, where he grew up in a farming family.”
Anniversary of my father U Kaung's death in Calcutta of a car accident -
Tolstoy said - Anna Karenina's lover had teeth like spades -
My friend Kanlaon said "Sorry, but that does not sound at all attractive."
My reply -
"Yes, 2 front teeth. :)
The lover was depicted realistically, like the husband and Anna herself -
as if Tolstoy were saying "She was obsessed with him, but I knew it would not turn out well."
It makes the reader feel like, "Anna be careful" but we cannot do anything about it - I thought it masterful.
left on Kanlaon Blog.
It's said of Tolstoy's writing that he was so good, even a poof that the heroine sat on in War and Peace, had a life of its own.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Reading matters - left on Kanlaon's Blog
I have not read the first two books, but Anna Karenina, I read about 6-10 years ago -
Very sad. Tolstoy supposed to have based it on a train accident that he witnessed.
Wonderful descriptions, her lover with teeth like spades, Anna wearing the dress with the white lace collar. The way she goes through with it, even though she may have sensed that the man will not be with her for long.
I am no good at delayed gratification as regards my reading.
I have to read a book at once.
Kyi M. Kaung
Friday, February 15, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Longwood gardens over 30 years - comment left on Kanlaon Blog
Thank you! I used to live in Philadelphia - 15 years while at Penn - and so went there a bit - interesting to see the way the garden has changed -/
and remained the same - like how old the purple bougainvillea in the conservatory are - or the new pawlovnia (sp?) trees they put in to replace the old ones that were taken out -/
I only have been there at intervals of 6-10 years now - but my son first visited when he was 13 - and was enchanted by the bonsai jasmine -/
and one summer I went there right after having a colonoscopy, and the pink roses on the arches to the right of the entrance were in full bloom -/
one family friend who was a Quaker and whom I first met through other family friends lived at Crosslands retirement community near there.
Saturday, February 09, 2013
Poetry from Burma - Bones will Crow ed-ed by James Byrne and Ko Ko Thett
Finger a la Ai Wei Wei - photo copyright K.M.Kaung
Another book with the westerner's name coming first, though I would think Ko Ko Thett would have done most of compilation and translation -
--- On Fri, 2/8/13, ko ko thett wrote:
From: ko ko thett
Subject: review of the day: bones will crow in the guardian
Date: Friday, February 8, 2013, 11:09 PM
greetings from yangon...
i am forwarding the following.
ko ko thett
Friday, February 08, 2013
AAPPB - Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners, Burma gives scholarships to children of Burmese political prisoners -
sadhu sadhu sadhu/ well done, well done, well done/
now we are talking - at least today I don't have to read another report full of political or economic mumbo jumbo - what this government minister said, what that minister said.
Funny transliteration - "loo nar" New Year
VOA newscaster said
loo nar hnit thit kuu
for "lunar New Year"
in Burmese -
which sounds like
"sick patient new year."
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Twitter - Wikipedia entry
I will have to get used to it for things in the public domain and to promote my books, visual art.
Live tweets also good if going to a conference or event and for breaking news -
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
Bedlam- military owned oil tanker fire in Rangoon -
Video - well the videographer is excellent -
Burmese Hitlerisms - poster by Anonymous
Disclaimer - as the owner of this blog, I do not necessarily agree with all views expressed by blog guest posts - I post some things to increase Burmese tolerance of differing points of view.
Richard III's skeleton found
One who allegedly killed (according to Sir Thomas More)his nephews, the 2 young princes in the tower.
Monday, February 04, 2013
Saturday, February 02, 2013
Friday, February 01, 2013
Irrawaddy Literary Festival - Rangoon -
Huh?? If you write in English you're not a Burmese writer??
We've lived overseas because we were unable to go back, sometimes due to our writing.
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