Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tolstoy said - Anna Karenina's lover had teeth like spades -

My friend Kanlaon said "Sorry, but that does not sound at all attractive." My reply - "Yes, 2 front teeth. :) The lover was depicted realistically, like the husband and Anna herself - as if Tolstoy were saying "She was obsessed with him, but I knew it would not turn out well." It makes the reader feel like, "Anna be careful" but we cannot do anything about it - I thought it masterful. Kyi/ left on Kanlaon Blog. It's said of Tolstoy's writing that he was so good, even a poof that the heroine sat on in War and Peace, had a life of its own.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
