Friday, January 03, 2014

Chinese in Exile - writer Ma Jian-

I have read Ma Jian's Red Dust, a travel journal in which he describes going to all the different segments of The Great Wall, and his novel Beijing Coma, where a man in a coma who recalls all is a metaphor for "reformed" China, and I like them both.
I think Beijing Coma was a great feat of good writing as it is all interior monologue by the man in the coma, who is of course lying immobile on a bed, looked after by his mother.  He however, does have some adventures.  I will not say more.
His translator is his wife Flora Drew.
I am so happy I found his page through finding Dimon Lui's.  I had met Dimon at the Conference on World Affairs in Boulder, CO, c. 1998.

KM Kaung --

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online