Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Nyi Nyi Aung's case from 2009--

FB – 1-8-2014

One of the things I am most proud of in my life--
in mid-2009, when Nyi Nyi Aung was first arrested in Burma, I spoke with his fiancee Wa Wa and a mutual friend, and when I realized we were out of our depth and really needed to reach out to people who could really help, I sent some emails and I introduced Wa WA to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's DC-based lawyer, whom Wa Wa at once retained.
Among the emails I sent to NY-based Burma dissidents was one to a then journalism student who started the ball rolling by writing about the case in the Huffington Post.

After that, the major newspapers picked up on the case.

NNA suffered a back dislocation from the beatings received in prison. 

Fortunately, the surgeons who operated on him did it all gratis.

The mutual friend drove NNA to see me to "show me" he was OK, but we did not get to chat long.

I am so proud of everyone who helped and of Wa Wa and Nyi Nyi who conducted themselves so well throughout the ordeal.

I post this now so people will know that what we are dealing with is not a benign military regime in Burma.


In reverse chronological order – Thar Nyunt Oo’s interview of NNA—

Kaye Lin- NNA’s arrival in USA-

NLD – groundless charges against NNA

U S House of Reps urges release-

Nyi Nyi Aung's case from 2009--I am going to post some Youtube videos of Nyi Nyi Aung's case from 2009--because it happened not so long ago--and it's the same government in Burma--

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online