Sunday, December 11, 2016

Anonymous comment copied and pasted fr Wash Post--see article immediately below

It appears that both the CIA and FBI agree that the Russians were involved in activities intended to undermine the US election. They disagree on the motives. And, perhaps, they disagree on the connections that can be proven about who in Russia was involved.
FBI Director Comey was pretty unambiguous when he made his remarks about Hillary Clinton's email while making the announcement that there would be no indictment. That he compounded that by being ambiguous about the "new" emails and the continuing investigation.
I can accept that we don't know for sure why the Russians did what both the FBI and the CIA assert that they did. Motives and conspiracy are hard to prove.
After 9-11, there were efforts to get intelligence agencies to work together. If we care about the future of democracy, it's time for them to do just that. There seems to be a lot of evidence that Russia has meddled in the politics of other countries. They didn't do it for fun.
It seems to be splitting hairs whether those hacks were to raise doubts (that was successful), or whether someone wanted Donald Trump to be elected. It diverts attention from the meddling to raise questions about the motive.

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--