Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Highly recommended--documentary--The Great Moghuls--beautifully filmed, edited, written and narrated.

Descendants of Timur and Genghis Khan (Mongols)

Timur is usually referred to as a Tatar.




Jehangir (Shah Jahan)

The Jehangir who died, son of Timur, is evidently a predecessor.

(Dara Shiko)--who was heir to Shan Jahan, but was killed by his brother, Aurangzeb.

Of course, this was where I was getting to, but I have spent about 3-4 years reading about Genghiz and his sons and grandsons

and now started reading about Timur, who led the Mongols (later called Moghuls) into India.

BTW--30 years ago, a friend from Bombay (Mumbai), a Parsi, first told me that "Mongols are the same as Moghuls"--only a little more evolved.

I find it all fascinating, and I believe it is a good thing to study and write about other things or places that Burma--which gets so disgusting, Burma Burma Burma

same as what we read about in news daily.
 All from Internet--reconstruction based on exhumed skull of Timur.
 Timurid Empire at time of his death.
 Timur defeats Ottoman Sultan
Timur feasting in the Green City of Samarkand.

The world is just as savage now as in the 12th to 17th century--

only with different (I won't say "better") certainly more dangerous technology, as the cyber wars are showing.

K M Kaung

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online