Saturday, March 04, 2017

Cherry blossom peak times

I try not to miss them, as "now of my three score years and ten
twenty will not come again--" AE Houseman

but some years I am traveling and see them fr the taxi to the airport.

In past they bloomed as late as Easter.

One woman asked me "What kind of flowers are these?"

I answered politely, as not everyone would know their flowers.

One woman aging, overdressed and made up, Asian, kept posing continuously.

I can't walk that far now, so arrive in a taxi, walk 1/2 way around the Tidal Basin, and come back walking and on the Subway.  Don't know if I can do it this year, but will try.

I also have to go to Philly for flower show.
Kyi May Kaung
Words Sounds and Images

What trump does is he stirs up people to be panicked, then he works through executive orders--Dems short comings are they work through legal

channels, whilehe stretches the limits--and tries to undermine the system.