Monday, December 18, 2017

Kelly Currie, US Special rep--UNHRC special session on Burma. I knew Kelly slightly in 1997-98. She's a Republican, she was not helpful with my serious concerns with the radio station where I worked then. She started her phone conversation with, "Congressman Porter thinks --" But what could the congressman think without looking into what was going in. There was a very clear sabotaging and angling of radio programs to undermine Aung San Suu Kyi and democracy in Burma. Eventually, "Thomas A. Jerk" was fired after 10 years. He was fired because someone sued him, who had been asked in a job interview, "If I ask you to speak ill of Daw Suu will you do it." The radio station from hell was obliged to pay up $300,000 for this piece of smart alecking. BUT, those of my colleagues who remained on till 2012, told me that the jerks male and female who succeeded Thomas were just as bad, in fact worse. In 2012, all my remaining colleagues there from the 1990s were fired, right during the time when Daw Suu was in town. Lots of injustices and political slanting, needing to be corrected. kmk 12-18-2017

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online